VI. MIXED PASSIONS, are such as do not consist of any single Act, but are made up of more then one,* to be distinguished by the Object they are conversant about, and by the Simple Passions of which they consist, into such as are

The particular interest of Repute; being conversant about

  • Good, which we apprehend to be in it self honourable and worthy, im∣plying ‖ Confidence and Love in the promoting of it: or Confidence and Ioy in the owning of it.
    • ZEAL, ardent, Devotion, earnest, fervent, hot, warm▪ intent, eager, Zel•t.
    • GLORYING, Triumph, Exultation, boast brag, Eravado, Rodomonta∣do, Thrasonical, crack, crow, vapor, vaunt, Ostentation swagger, vain∣glory, flourishing, take a pride.
  • Evil, which we apprehend to be in it self dishonourable and unworthy; implying ‖ a mixture of Hatred and Aversation against the commit∣ting of it: or Sorrow and Diffidence for the committing of it.
    • SCORN, set light by, slight, despise, contemn.
    • SHAME-faced-full-less, abash, bashful, ashamed, out of countenance▪ con∣found, quash, dash, Impudence, Turpitude, put to shame.

The more general interests belonging to

Our selves; respecting either

Good that is dear to us, implying a ‖ mixture of Love, Anger, and Hope, that we may excel others in it: or a mixture of Love, Anger, and Fear, lest we should by others be deprived of it.

  • EMULATION, vy, strive, struggle.
  • JEALOUSIE, Suspicion, surmize.

Evil; whether as done

  • By our selves; being either a mixture of Sorrow and Fear upon dis∣satisfaction in having committed it: or Sorrow and Desire, as wish∣ing it had not been committed.
    • REMORSE, Compunction, Contrition, relent, beshrew, trouble of mind.
    • REPENTANCE, Penitence, rue.
  • By others; either a vile thing by any person, or any evil by a vile person; implying a mixture of Anger and Hatred: or of Anger and Aversa∣tion.
    • INDIGNATION, Scorn, dudgeon, fume, murmure.
    • DISDAIN, Scorn.

Others; in respect of the

  • Good befalling them, (as we think) ‖ worthily, or unworthily; imply∣ing a mixture of Love and Ioy: or Hate and Grief.
    • JOY FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS, Gratulation, congra∣tulate, Sympathy.
    • ENVY, Spite-full, invidious, grudge, repine, malign.
  • Evil befalling them, (as we think) ‖ worthily, or unworthily; imply∣ing a mixture of Hate and Ioy: or of Love and Grief.
    • 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉Ioy for the evil of others.
    • PITTY, Compassion, commiserate, condole, relent, ruthful, tender, woful, yearn, Bowels▪ bemoan, bewail, lament, deplore, Sympathy, fellow-feeling.

Indetermined either as to Good or Evil, but concerning both consisting in a distraction of the Mind by a conflict of any two contrary Passions: to which may be opposed (though not so proper to this place) the transport of the Mind, being wholly possess'd with one Passion: styled

  • AGONY.
  • EXTASIE, Transport, Amazement, Consternation, Maze, Traunce, Ru∣pture, ravish, astonish, extatical.
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  • 2023/05/22 12:47
  • brahmantra