

  • Tympanic cavity or middle ear , ear air cavity
    • Formed by
      • petrous part of temporal bone
        • between external ear and internal ear
    • shape
      • like a Cube , but not perfect cube
        • cube is compressed from side to side
          • lateral and medial walls are large
          • other walls are narrow
          • cavity appears biconcave in coronal section
            • 6mm distance between at upper end
            • 2mm in middle
            • 4mm in lower part or floor
        • parts
          • tympanic cavity proper
            • opposite the tympanic membrane
          • epitympanic recess
            • above the level of tympanic membrane
        • Communications
          • anteriorly
            • nasopharynx through auditory tube
          • posteriorly with
            • mastoid antrum and mastoid air cells through aditus
        • walls
          • Tegmental wall; tegmental roof
            • formed by thin plate of bone called tegmen tympani
              • separates middle ear from middle cranial fossa
              • prolonged forwards as roof of canal for tensor tympani
              • transmits a vein from middle ear to superior petrosal sinus
            • Epitympanic recess
              • Cupular part
          • Jugular wall; floor
            • thin plate of bone which is a part of temporal bone
              • separates middle ear from superior bulb of internal jugular vein
            • nearer to medial wall floor
              • tympanic canaliculus
                • transmits tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
                  • to medial wall of middle ear
            • Styloid prominence
          • Labyrinthine wall; medial wall
            • Oval window
            • Fossa of oval window
            • Promontory
              • Groove of promontory
              • Subiculum of promontory
          • Sinus tympani
          • Round window
          • Fossa of round window
          • Crest of round window
          • Processus cochleariformis
          • Secondary tympanic membrane
          • Mastoid wall; posterior wall
            • Above to downwards
              • Superiorly
                • Aditus to mastoid antrum
                  • epitympanic recess communicates with tympanic antrum
                  • Prominence of lateral semicircular canal
                  • Prominence of facial canal
              • Fossa of incus
              • near junction of posterior and medial walls
                • Pyramidal eminence
              • Posterior sinus
              • Tympanic aperture of canaliculus for chorda tympani
          • Mastoid antrum
            • Mastoid cells
            • Tympanic cells
          • Carotid wall or anterior wall
            • upper most part
              • opening of canal for tensor tympani
            • middle part
              • opening of auditory tube
            • inferior part
              • thin plate of bone
                • forms posterior wall of carotid canal
                • separates middle ear from internal carotid artery
                • perforated by
                  • superior and inferior sympathetic carticotympanic nerves
                  • tympanic branch of ICA
              • Bony septum continues
                • processus cochleariformis
                  • posterior end forms a pulley around tendon of tensor tympani
          • Membranous wall; lateral wall
            • formed by tympanic membrane and partly by squamous temporal bone
              • separates middle ear from external acoustic meatus
            • near tympanic notch
    • Stapes
      • Head of stapes
      • Anterior limb
      • Posterior limb
      • Base of stapes; footplate
    • Incus
      • Body of incus
      • Long limb
        • Lenticular process
      • Short limb
    • Malleus
      • Handle of malleus
      • Head of malleus
      • Neck of malleus
      • Lateral process
      • Anterior process
    • Incudomallear joint
    • Incudostapedial joint
    • Tympanostapedial syndesmosis
    • Ligaments of auditory ossicles
      • Anterior ligament of malleus
      • Superior ligament of malleus
      • Lateral ligament of malleus
      • Superior ligament of incus
      • Posterior ligament of incus
      • Stapedial membrane
      • Anular ligament of stapes
    • Tensor tympani
    • Stapedius
  • Mucosa of tympanic cavity
    • Posterior fold of malleus
    • Anterior fold of malleus
    • Fold of chorda tympani
    • Recesses of tympanic membrane
      • Anterior recess
      • Superior recess Prussak
      • Posterior recess
    • Fold of incus
    • Fold of stapedius
    • Tympanic opening
    • Bony part
      • Isthmus
      • Tubal air cells
    • Cartilaginous part
      • Cartilage of tube
        • Medial lamina
        • Lateral lamina
        • Membranous lamina
      • Mucosa; mucous membrane
        • Tubal glands
      • Pharyngeal opening

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  • en/middle-ear.txt
  • 2023/06/18 13:33
  • brahmantra