Particular; relating to the reward of


Moral Vertue; in the enjoyment of those things that conduce to our bene esse.

  • External;
    • PROSPERITY, flourishing, thriving, auspicious, fortunate, hap∣py, good luck, success, speed.
    • ADVERSITY, Affliction, distress, tribulation, cross, disaster, infe∣licity, suffering, persecution, duress, fall, pressure, mischance, mishap, misadventure, misfortune, unfortunate, unluckie, un∣prosperous, inauspicious, sinister, dismal, ill luck or success.
  • Internal; quiet, or disquiet of the Affections.
    • CONTENTATION, Tranquillity, Contentment, Serenity, Hearts-ease, Equanimity, Sedateness, Rest, be satisfied, acquiesce.
    • ANXIETY, Discontent, 〈◊〉 taking, dump, trouble, anguish, dis∣quiet, vexation, perplexity, streight, pinch.


Christian Vertues and Graces; consisting in an everlasting Vision and Fruition of God.

  • SALVATION, Beatifical Vision, Heaven, Glory.
  • DAMNATION, Condemnation Hell, perdition.
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