• internal speech
    • internal talking
    • internal conversations
    • internal arguments
    • internal agreements
  • internal vision

II. INTERNAL SENSES are so styled, because they belong to the interiour parts,* and are conversant about internal and absent as well as pre∣sent things. Whether there be any such real Faculties in the Soul as are mentioned under this and the preceding Head, is not here to be debated. 'Tis sufficient that common experience doth acquaint us with such various operations of the Mind, and that general custom hath agreed upon such names for the expressing of them.

These are likewise distinguishable into


  • Receiving of impressions from the outward Senses.
    • COMMON SENSE, perceive, discern, apprehend, Senti•ent, resent, conceive, discover, find.
    • STV•OR, Numness, amaze, astonish, narcotic, amuze, asleep, set on edge.
  • Compounding and comparing what is communicated from the outward Senses.
    • PHANSIE, Imagination, Conceit, fantastical, capricious, Phantasm.
    • DOTAGE, Delirium, Dizzard, Sot, besot.
  • Retaining such impressions.
    • MEMORY, recollect, re-call, commemorate, remember, call or come to mind, put in mind▪ suggest, record, recount, con over, getting by heart, by rote, without book, at ones fingers end, memorable, memorial, Memorandum, mindful.
    • FORGETFVLNESS, Oblivion, Vnmindfulness, overslip.


  • Motive; whereby, in order to our own Conservation, we follow or fly what is by the judgment of the Senses represented as good or evil.
    • APPETITE, Desire, Inclination, Concupiscence, Stomach, Longing, Lust, having a mind to.
    • LOATHING, fulsome, nauseate, glut, cloy, go against, queasie, squea∣mish, wambling, qualm, detest.
  • Mind + wheel + cup ( agent of mind having capacity to hold or carry )
    • based on long term interaction with the content of cup and senses
      • socially common gathering of sense
        • common sense , common perception , logical perception
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  • en/memory_cells.txt
  • 2024/08/18 07:37
  • brahmantra