Divers things at the same time; whether such kind of Actions as from the nature of the Agents or Patients, may be called


Corporeal; denoting the

Causing of things to be together or asunder.

  • JOINING, annex, Connexion, couple, link, copulation, concatenation, conjun∣ction, Coalition, coherent, copulative, conglutinate, combine, compact, set or put together.
  • SEPARATING, Segregate, sunder, sever, dissever, divide, disjoin, disunite, dis∣sect, dissolve, part, take in pieces, disjunctive.

Continuing them together or asunder.

  • ADHEARING, Cleave, stick to, cling to, hang together, coherent, inseparable.
  • ABANDONING, Forsake, Desert, Relinquish, Leave, Forgo, Flinch, Quit, Dereli∣ction, forlorn, destitute, shake or cast off, start back, give over.

Both Corporeal and Mental; with respect to the

Taking in of several things, or the leaving out of some.

  • COMPREHENDING, Contain, Comprize, Imply, Involve, Inclose, Include, inclusive, hold, Complication.
  • EXEMPTING, Except, restrain, seclude, exclude, save, salvo, set aside.

Putting of things together, the better to judge of their likeness or unlikeness, or examining of them for the distinguishing of that which is right and true.

  • COMPARING, Conferr, Collation, resemble.
  • TRY, Prove, Search, Temptation, Experiment, test, touch, examin, gage poise, pose, probe.

The same things at divers times, whether the same as to

Substance; signifying either the doing of the same thing several times, or the making of a thing to be different at one time from what it was before.

  • REPEATING, Iterate, reiterate, recite, render, rehearse, redouble, reduplicate, inculcate, ingeminate, recapitulate, renew, afresh, again, Tautology, the burden.
  • CHANGING, Mutation, Vary, Alter, Shift.

Quantity; The giving back of the very same thing, or of something else equal to it.

  • RESTORING, Give back, Restitution, refund, return, Restauration.
  • COMPENSATING, Recompense, award, make amends, remunerate, quit, re∣quite, retaliate, retribute, reparation, paying, fit, being even with, meet with, make good, cry quittance, like for like, one for another.

Quality; endeavouring to shew how another thing is, or to do the like.

  • REPRESENTING, declare, shew, exhibit, present.
  • IMITATING, Mimick, personate, take forth, follow.

Vse; as means to an end, The making of a thing more fit or less fit for its end.

  • REPAIRING, Mending, Bettering, Improving, correct, rectifie, renew, reedifie, Emendation, Instauration, Redress, set to right, make good, make up, patch up, piece up.
  • SPOILING, Marring, corrupting, deprave, impaire, raze, scrape or cross out, sleight works.
  • युग्म , ग्रथन , बंध
  • छिन्न , भंग
  • घर्ष , कर्ष ,
  • त्यज
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  • en/materalistic_comparate_actions.txt
  • 2024/08/04 04:40
  • brahmantra