• Afferent lymph vessels:
    • Penetrate capsule, enter marginal sinus, communicate with intranodal sinuses, then become efferent vessels, which lack an endothelial lining
    • Intranodal vessels contain littoral cells or histiocytes with phagocytic properties
  • Capsule:
    • Thin fibrous connective tissue covering of lymph node
    • May be thicker at hilus
    • Connected to fibrous trabeculae which penetrate the node
    • Capsule may contain smooth muscle cells (Anat Rec 1975;183:517)
  • Cortex:
    • Subcapsular portion of node with largest number of follicles (primary or secondary)
  • Primary follicle:
    • Round aggregates of small, dark staining inactive (naïve) B lymphocytes, usually near the capsule, within a network of follicular dendritic cell processes
    • No germinal center present
  • Secondary follicle:
    • Arises from primary follicle that develops germinal centers (see below) due to antigenic stimulation of B cells and production of antibodies
    • Contains pale staining germinal center which may be polarized towards site of antigen entry
    • Surrounded by mantle zone and marginal zone lymphocytes
    • Germinal center:
      • Contains predominantly B lymphocytes (including centroblasts and centrocytes) and scattered follicular T helper cells and T regs
      • Also tingible body macrophages and follicular dendritic cells
    • Mantle zone:
      • Tightly packed small B lymphocytes of the primary follicles, pushed aside by the germinal centers
    • Marginal zone:
      • Less packed small B lymphocytes with more cytoplasm
      • Light zone on outer rim of mantle zone
      • Contains a mix of post-follicular memory B cells derived after stimulation of recirculating cells from T cell dependent antigen and naïve B cells
      • Often not well developed in lymph nodes
  • Paracortex:
    • Tissue between cortical follicles and medulla (see below)
    • Contains predominantly dark staining mature T cells, B immunoblasts, interdigitating dendritic cells, plasmacytoid dendritic cells, histiocytes and high endothelial venules (postcapillary venules lined by plump endothelial cells that express leukocyte adhesion molecules and contain intraluminal lymphocytes)
    • Expands during cell mediated immunological reactions
    • Has coarse network of reticulin fibers
  • Medulla:
    • Portion of node closest to hilum
    • Contains the medullary cords, sinuses and vessels but minimal number of follicles
  • Medullary cords:
    • Found in hilar region between the sinuses, composed mostly of small B and T lymphocytes, plasmacytoid lymphocytes, plasmablasts and plasma cells
  • Sinuses:
    • Carry lymph from afferent to efferent lymphatics
    • Subcapsular sinus is below capsule and partially lined by endothelium
    • Becomes medullary as it approaches the hilum and is lined by macrophages
    • Also contains mast cells and plasma cells
  • Vessels:
    • Blood enters and leaves lymph node at hilus


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  • en/lymph_node.txt
  • 2023/07/05 07:32
  • brahmantra