

  • association
  • association learning
  • avoidance learning
  • conditioning (psychology): classical conditioning; operant conditioning; eyeblink conditioning
  • automatic behavior
  • conditioning, classical
  • conditioning, eyelid
  • conditioning, operant
  • critical period (psychology)
  • cues
  • discrimination learning
  • generalization (psychology)
  • generalization, response
  • generalization, stimulus
  • habituation (psychophysiology)
  • helplessness, learned
  • imprinting (psychology)
  • inhibition (psychology)
  • proactive inhibition
  • reactive inhibition
  • maze learning
  • memory
  • deja vu
  • memory, short-term
  • mental recall
  • recognition (psychology)
  • retention (psychology)
  • neurolinguistic programming
  • overlearning
  • practice (psychology)
  • probability learning
  • problem-based learning
  • problem solving
  • reinforcement (psychology)
  • extinction (psychology)
  • knowledge of results (psychology)
  • punishment
  • reinforcement schedule
  • reinforcement, social
  • reinforcement, verbal
  • reward
  • token economy
  • reversal learning
  • set (psychology)
  • transfer (psychology)
  • verbal learning
  • paired-associate learning
  • serial learning
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  • en/learning.txt
  • 2024/07/25 05:39
  • brahmantra