
damnum to inflict loss upon verb damn-, -demn- damnum, damnāre condemn, condemnation, damage, damnation, indemnify, indemnity
debere owe verb deb- debere, debitus debit, debt
decimus tenth part noun decim- decimus, tenth; from decem, ten decimal, decimate, decimation, decimator, decuman, dime
decorus ornament noun decor- decorus fit, proper and decorare to decorate, from decor beauty, ornament and decus ornament decor, décor, decorament, decorate, decoration, decorative, decorator, decorous, decorum, redecorate
delere  erase verb del- delere (from dē + linere) delete, deletion, indelible
densus thick adj dens- densus condensable, condensate, condensation, condensational, condensative, condense, dense, density, nondense, superdense
dens tooth noun dent- dens, dentis bident, bidental, dandelion, dental, dentary, dentate, dentation, dentelle, denticity, denticle, denticulate, dentiferous, dentiform, dentifrice, dentigerous, dentil, dentin, dentinal, dentine, dentition, denture, indent, indentation, indenture, interdental, interdentil, intradental, multidentate, quadridentate, trident, tridentate
dexter right adj dexter- dexter ambidexterity, ambidextrous, dexter, dexterity, dexterous, dextral, dextrality, dextrin, dextrorse, dextrose
digitus finger noun digit- digitus bidigitate, digit, digital, digitate, digitiform, digitigrade, multidigit, multidigitate
diversum different adj div-, diff- diversum different, divergence, diversity, divide, diffeomorphism
docere teach verb doc-, doct- docere, doctus docile, doctor, doctrine, document, indoctrinate, indoctrination
dolere  pain adj dol- dolere to grieve, also dolus grief and dolor pain condolence, dol, doleful, dolorous, indolence
dominus  master noun domin- dominus master; (from domus house) beldam, beldame, belladonna, codomain, codominance, codominant, condominium, dam, dame, damsel, danger, demesne, demoiselle, domain, dominance, dominant, dominate, domination, dominative, dominator, dominatrix, domine, domineer, dominicide, dominion, dominium, domino, duenna, dungeon, madam, madame, mademoiselle, madonna, predominance, predominant, predominate, quasidominance, semidominance, subdominant, superdominant
domitare tame verb domit- domitare, frequentative of domare daunt, domitable, indomitable
domus house noun dom- domus dame, domal, dome, domestic, domesticate, domestication, domesticity, domestique, domicile, domiciliary, major-domo, semidome
dormire sleep verb dorm- dormire dormant, dormitory
dorsum back noun dors- dorsum disendorse, dorsal, dorsiferous, dorsiflexion, dorsiflexor, dorsigrade, dorsiventral, dorsum, dossier, endorse, endorsee, endorsement, indorse, indorsement, reredos
draco dragon noun drac- draco Draco, draconian
dubius doubtful adj dub- dubius doubt, dubiety, dubious
ducere lead verb duc-, duct- ducere, ductus abduce, abduct, adduce, adduct, conduce, deduce, induce, introduce, produce, reduce, seduce, traduce
dulcis sweet adj dulc- dulcis billet-doux, dolce, dolcetto, douce, doux, dulcet, dulcian, dulcify, dulcimer, edulcorant, edulcorate, subdulcid
duo two noun du- duo deuce, doubt, dual, duality, duet, duo, duplex, duplicity, duumvirate, duumviri, nonduality
durus hard adj dur- durus, durare dour, dura, durability, durable, durain, dural, duramen, durance, durancy, duration, durative, dure, duress, durity, durous, durum, endurable, endurance, endurant, endure, indurate, induration, nondurable, obduracy, obdurate, obduration, perdurable, perdurance, perdure, subdural
dēnī ten each noun den- dēnī denar, denarian, denarius, denary, denier, dinar, dinero, dinheiro
down, away from, removing preposition de- decay, decide, declare, decline, decompose, dedicate, deduce, defend, deletion, delineate, delude, demarcate, dementia, depress, derogatory, desecrate, descend, destroy, detract
dīcere say, speak, proclaim verb dic-, dict- dīcere, dictus, dictare benediction, condition, contradict, dictate, dictation, dictator, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, indictment, interdiction, malediction, predict, prediction, valediction, verdict
dōnum give verb don- dōnum, donare condonation, condone, donate, donation, donative, donator, donatory, donor, pardon, pardonable
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  • brahmantra