• Concave from side to side
    • Increase surface area
    • Separates the nose from
    • Parts
      • Anterior part
        • Vestibule
          • A small depressed area in anterior part
          • Modified skin with shift curved hairs called vibrissae
      • Middle part
        • Atrium Of middle meatus
      • Posterior part
        • Shelf like projections
          • Concha
            • Inferior nasal concha
              • Independent bone
            • Middle nasal concha
              • Projection from Medial surface of ethmoidal labyrinth
            • Superior nasal concha
              • Projection from .medial surface of ethmoidal labyrinth
            • Highest nasal concha
          • Spaces between concha
            • Meatus
            • Superior nasal meatus
            • Middle nasal meatus
              • Atrium of middle meatus
              • Ethmoidal bulla
              • Ethmoidal infundibulum
              • Semilunar hiatus
            • Inferior nasal meatus
            • Opening of nasolacrimal duct
            • Common nasal meatus
            • Nasopharyngeal meatus
            • (Incisive duct)
    • Framework
      • Bony
        • Nasal
        • Lacrimal
        • Labyrinth
        • Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
        • Medial Pterygoid plate
      • Cartilaginous
        • Superior nasal cartilage
          • Inferior nasal cartilage
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  • en/lateral_wall_nose.txt
  • 2023/06/18 11:05
  • brahmantra