• Laryngeal cavity
    • extent
      • inlet of larynx to lower border of cricoid cartilage
    • inlet of larynx
      • placed obliquely
      • bounded
        • anteriorly
          • epiglottis
        • posteriorly
          • interarytenoid fold of mucous membrane
        • each side
          • aryepiglottic fold
    • mucous membrane
      • folds
        • upper fold
          • vestibular fold
            • space between two folds is
              • rima vestibuli
        • lower fold
          • vocal fold
            • space between two folds is
              • rima glottidis
                • limited posteriorly by
                  • interarytenoid fold
          • attached
            • anteriorly
              • middle of angle of thyroid cartilage on its posterior aspect
            • posteriorly
              • vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
      • folds divide the cavity in to 3 parts
        • above vestibular fold
          • vestibule of larynx or supraglottis
        • between vestibular fold and vocal folds
          • sinus or ventricle of larynx ( sinus of morgagni )
            • anterior part is prolonged upwards as a diverticulum
              • between vestibular fold and lamina of thyroid cartilage
                • saccule of larynx
                • oil can of larynx
                  • helps in lubrication of vocal folds
        • below vocal folds
          • infraglottis
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  • en/laryngeal_cavity.txt
  • 2023/06/18 12:22
  • brahmantra