

  • ischioanal fossa
  • wedge shaped space on each side of anal canal below pelvic diaphragm
  • boundaries
    • base
      • formed by skin of perineum
    • apex
      • formed by line wheere two fascia meet
        • obturator fascia
        • inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
      • the line corresponds to origin of levator ani from pelvic wall
    • anteriorly
      • limited by posterior border of perineal membrane
    • posteriorly fossa reaches
      • lower border of gluteus maximus
      • sacrotuberous ligament
    • lateral wall
      • is vertical
        • formed by
          • obturator internus
          • medial surface of ischial tuberosity
    • medial wall
      • slopes downwards
        • formed by
          • levator ani with anal fascia in upper part
          • external anal spinchter
  • recess
    • anterior recess
      • extends forwards above perineal membrane
      • reaches almost upto posterior surface of body of pubis
    • posterior recess
      • smaller than anterior
      • extends deep to sacrotuberous ligament
    • horseshoe recess
      • connects 2 ischioanal fossa behind anal canal
  • spaces and canals of fossa
    • perianal space
      • perianal fascia
        • separates a shallow subcutaneous
          • perianal space
          • from deep ischioanal space
        • fat arranged in loculi tightly
          • so infections are painful
    • ischioanal space
      • large and deep
      • fat arranged in loculi loosely
        • by incomplete septa
        • less painful infection due to less tension of swelling
      • lunate fascia arches over
        • ischioanal fat
        • divides in to
          • suprategmental space above fascia
          • tegmental space below fascia
    • pudendal canal
      • fascial canal in lateral waal of ischioanal fossa
      • encloses
        • pudendal nerve
        • internal pudendal vessels
      • fascia is fused with lower part of obturator fascia laterally
      • above
        • fused with lunate fascia
      • medially
        • perianal fascia
      • below
        • falciform process of sacrotuberous ligament
  • contents of ischioanal fossa
    • ischioanal pad of fat
    • inferior rectal nerve and vessels
    • pudendal canal with its contents
    • posterior scrotal or posterior labial nerve and vessels
    • perineal branch of fourth sacral nerve
    • perforating cutaneous branches of nerves S2,S3
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  • en/ischioanal_fossa.txt
  • 2023/06/16 10:44
  • brahmantra