

  • Vestibulocochlear organ
      • Vestibule
      • Elliptical recess; utricular recess
        • Internal opening of vestibular canaliculus
      • Vestibular crest
        • Pyramid of vestibule
      • Spherical recess; saccular recess
      • Cochlear recess
      • Maculae cribrosae
        • Macula cribrosa superior
        • Macula cribrosa media
        • Macula cribrosa inferior
    • Semicircular canals
      • Anterior semicircular canal
        • Anterior bony ampulla
      • Posterior semicircular canal
        • Posterior bony ampulla
      • Common bony limb
        • Ampullary bony limbs
      • Lateral semicircular canal
        • Lateral bony ampulla
        • Simple bony limb
    • Cochlea
      • Cochlear cupula
      • Base of cochlea
      • Spiral canal of cochlea
        • Osseous spiral lamina
          • Vestibular lamella
          • Tympanic lamella
          • Foramina nervosa
          • Hamulus of spiral lamina
        • Secondary spiral lamina
        • Internal opening of cochlear canaliculus
      • Cochlear septum
      • Modiolus
        • Base of modiolus
        • Lamina of modiolus
        • Spiral canal of modiolus
        • Longitudinal canals of modiolus
      • Scala vestibuli
      • Helicotrema
      • Scala tympani
    • Internal acoustic meatus
      • Internal acoustic opening
      • Fundus of internal acoustic meatus
        • Transverse crest
        • Facial area
        • Vertical crest
        • Superior vestibular area
        • Inferior vestibular area
          • Foramen singulare
        • Cochlear area
          • Tractus spiralis foraminosus
    • Perilymphatic space
      • Perilymph
      • Vestibular aqueduct
      • Cochlear aqueduct
      • Endolymphatic space
        • Endolymph
      • Utricle
        • Utricular recess
      • Saccule
      • Semicircular ducts
        • Anterior semicircular duct
          • Anterior membranous ampulla
        • Posterior semicircular duct
          • Posterior membranous ampulla
        • Common membranous limb
          • Ampullary membranous limbs
        • Lateral semicircular duct
          • Lateral membranous ampulla
          • Simple membranous limb
      • Utriculosaccular duct
        • Utricular duct
        • Saccular duct
      • Endolymphatic duct
        • Endolymphatic sac
        • Ductus reuniens
        • Maculae
          • Macula of utricle
          • Macula of saccule
          • Otolithic membrane
            • Otolith
            • Striola
        • Ampullary crest
          • Ampullary groove
          • Ampullary cupula
      • Scala media
    • Cochlear duct
      • Vestibular surface; vestibular membrane Reissner
      • External surface
        • Stria vascularis
        • Spiral prominence
        • Vas prominens
        • Spiral ligament
      • Tympanic surface; spiral membrane
        • Basal crest; spiral crest
        • Basal lamina
        • Vas spirale
      • Spiral limbus
        • Tympanic lip
        • Vestibular lip
        • Acoustic teeth
      • Tectorial membrane
      • Vestibular caecum
      • Cupular caecum
      • Spiral organ Corti
        • Reticular membrane
        • Inner spiral sulcus
        • Outer spiral sulcus
      • Spiral ganglion
    • Vessels of internal ear
      • Labyrinthine arteries
        • Anterior vestibular artery
        • Common cochlear artery
          • Vestibulocochlear artery
          • Posterior vestibular branch
          • Cochlear branch
          • Proper cochlear artery
          • Spiral modiolar artery
      • Vein of vestibular aqueduct
        • Veins of semicircular ducts
      • Vein of cochlear aqueduct
        • Common modiolar vein
          • Vein of scala vestibuli
        • Vein of scala tympani
        • Vestibulocochlear vein
          • Anterior vestibular vein
          • Posterior vestibular vein
          • Vein of cochlear window
      • Labyrinthine veins

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  • en/internal-ear.txt
  • 2023/06/18 12:31
  • brahmantra