

  • to capture through mind
    • perception
  • capture inside mind
    • concept
      • abstract , concrete
  • Seeing with mind / Thought like a replica of real world
    • Image
      • Mental representation , Imagination , creativity
    • inside
      • Insight , introspection ,
      • feeling , conscience , consciousness
        • in respect to time
          • future
            • foresee , future vision , dream of future
      • seem , appear , hallucinate , illusion
        • strange , rare ,
        • General , Common , normal
        • Real
        • Magic , fiction ,
        • correct , true , right
        • incorrect , false , wrong
    • Combined notion of seeing inside and outside
      • Identify , recognize , recall
  • Hearing Sound through mind
    • External
    • Internal
      • Recall sound , internal speech , internal monologue
  • mentally seeing inside
    • introspection , insight
  • mentally telling future
    • forecast , probability , Suppose
  • mental hands
    • Imply , signal , indicate , denote , hint
  • mentally and virtually describing or speaking about something
    • Express , define , describe , illustrate , demonstrate
  • mental visual walk towards the source
    • seek , search , find
  • mental senses
    • sense , feel , perceive
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  • en/input_memory.txt
  • 2024/08/21 06:39
  • brahmantra