
Corporeal Individum power

V. Those CORPOREAL HABITUDES, whereby things are ren∣dred able or unable to act or resist for the good of the INDIVIDUUM, are usually styled by those general names of Temper, Complexion, Frame, State, Constitution, Disposition, Nature.

These are distinguishable into such as concern,

The just number of the parts; ‖ having all: or wanting some.

  • WHOLENESS, Intireness, perfect, safe and sound, tite, consolidate, of one piece.
  • MVTILOVSNESS, maimed, mangle, lame, lopped, crippled.

The nature of the whole or parts; being either

  • Negative or Positive of
    • Corruption.
      • SOUNDNESS, Sanity, Healthiness, hail, heal, whole, clearness.
      • ROTTENNESS, Putridness, Corruption, purulent, tainted, unsound, moulder, festered, addle, Matter, rankle, suppurate▪ putrefie, Carrion
    • Trouble to the sense of Feeling.
      • INDOLENCE, Ease, lenitive, relaxation, clearness, lighten.
      • PAIN, Ach, smart, ail, anguish, grief, ill at ease, sore, pang, thro, tor∣ment, torture, ake, excruciate, twing, twitch, fret, gripe, gird, racking.
  • Positive or Negative;
    • General; relating to the state of the body, ‖ good: or ill.
      • VIGOR, Vivacity, thriving, vegetous, flourishing, lusty, lively, sprightly, florid, quick, fresh, in heart, in good plight, in proof, pert, smart, crank, sturdy, revive.
      • DECAYING, consume, wear, wast, drooping, fading, out of heart, flagging, languish, break, fail, going down, fall away, bring down or low, decline, impair, quail, abate, molder, pine, wither, perish, spend, corrupt.
    • Special; respecting the
      • Plight of the fleshy parts, ‖ full: or sparing.
        • FATNESS, plump▪ pampered, burly, corpulent, gross, foggy, pursie, battle.
        • LEANNESS, macilent, meagre, Starveling, flue, poor, bare, spare, thin, lank, gaunt, Rascal, scraggy, ghastly, pine, emaciate, fall away, Carrion, skin and bone.
      • Figure and colour of the external parts, ‖ right: or wrong.
        • BEAUTY -fulness, Handsomness, Pulchritude, Comeliness, Ele∣gance, Decency, fair, goodly, well-favoured, seemly, polite, quaint, pretty, graceful, lovely, personable.
        • DEFORMITY, unhandsome, ill-favoured, ugly, uncomely, misbe∣coming, Indecorum, absurd, unseemly, mishapen, foul, squalid, Hagg, deface, disfigure.
      • Ability, or disability for Action or Passion.
        • STRENGTH, Force, Might, Validity, Puissance, robust, strenuous, stout, sturdy, in heart, main, corroborate, fortifie, recruit.
        • WEAKNESS, Feebleness, Debility, Imbecillity, Infirmity, disa∣bled, faint, languid, dead, frail, out of heart, heartless, flag∣ging, invalid, small, bring down or low, enervate, decline, en∣feeble.
      • Aptitude or ineptitude for Motion,
        • In a place.
          • AGILITY, Nimbleness, Activity, Lightness, Volubility, quick, dexterous, Mercurial, restive, handy, man of his hands.
            • LVMPISHNESS, Vnweildiness, dulness, gross, heavy, pursie▪ Lob, Lubber, Slugg, Lozel.
        • To a place.
          • SWIFTNESS, Fleetness, Celerity, Speed, fast, apace, sodain, quick, rapid, hurry, accelerate, hasten, cursory, hy, expedite, run, send, whisk, post.
          • SLOWNESS, Heaviness, slackness, dull, Slug, tardy, leisurely, softly, dilatory, retard, foreslow, delay, Lob, Lubber, lumpish, Lurdan, torpid, unwieldy, gingerly.
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  • en/human/body_power.txt
  • 2024/08/11 16:52
  • brahmantra