HAPPINESS, Felicity, Bliss, Blessedness, Beatitude, good, weal, welfare. MISERY, Vnhappiness, Infelicity, Extremity, Calamity, Woe, Distress, Disaster, Affliction, Tribulation, Trouble, Plague, Iudgment, Caitiff, Wretch, poor, pitiful, deplorable.
External;Moral Vertue PROSPERITY, flourishing, thriving, auspicious, fortunate, hap∣py, good luck, success, speed. ADVERSITY, Affliction, distress, tribulation, cross, disaster, infe∣licity, suffering, persecution, duress, fall, pressure, mischance, mishap, misadventure, misfortune, unfortunate, unluckie, un∣prosperous, inauspicious, sinister, dismal, ill luck or success.
Internal;Moral Vertue CONTENTATION, Tranquillity, Contentment, Serenity, Hearts-ease, Equanimity, Sedateness, Rest, be satisfied, acquiesce. ANXIETY, Discontent, 〈◊〉 taking, dump, trouble, anguish, dis∣quiet, vexation, perplexity, streight, pinch.
Christian Vertues SALVATION, Beatifical Vision, Heaven, Glory. DAMNATION, Condemnation Hell, perdition.
being at our own disposal. LIBERTY, Freedom, at large, deliver, release, inlar•e, set free, rid, dis∣patch, ransom, redeem, manumise, emancipate, give one his head, scope, arbitrary, undetermin'd, unconfined, may, may chuse. RESTRAINT, confine, streighten, repress.
Our Possessions RICHES, Wealth, Opulence, Pelf, Means, Fortunes, Estate, thrive, Treasure, make, enrich, worth, well to pass. POVERTY, Necessity, Penury, Indigence, Need, Want, poor, empoverish, ruine.
The sutableness of the things PLEASURE, Delight, Delectation, Enjoyment. VNPLEASANTNESS, Grief, Trouble, displeasing.
Our Names, and the esteem REPUTATION, Credit, Countenance, Applause, Name, Honour▪ Vogue, report, Fame, redoubted, of Note, Glory, Renown, well-sounding. INFAMY, Disgrace, discredit, dishonour, disparage, defame, discounte∣nance, shame, ignominy, Stein, Blot, Blemish, Slur, inglorious, illiberal, ignoble, notorious, ill reflexion, or sound, or nam
the quality of our Conditions DIGNITY, Promotion, Preferment, Advancement, Honour, Worship, Greatness, State, Port, Title, preeminence, upper-hand, High place, raise, exalt, illustrious. MEANNESS, Lowness, Obscurity, Baseness, Vileness, ignoble, plain, abase, debase, degrade, Abjectness.
Our Ability to protect our selve POWER-full, Potent-ate, Greatness, Interest, Strength, Might, Puis∣sance, Mastery, Prevalence, Predominance, over-sway, rule-the rost, bear a stroke. IMPOTENCE, weak, inconsiderable.
Invention; SAGACITY, Perspicacity, Sha•pness, Subtilty, Dexterity Wit, clear, quick, acute, searching, piercing, docil, towardly, apt, prompt DVLNESS, Stupidity, Heaviness, gross-witted, indocil, dreaming, Dolt, Dunce, Blockhead.
FAITH, Docility, Teachableness, Towardliness, Aptness. CREDVLITY, Easiness, light or rash of belief, facil. INCREDVLITY, Vnteachableness, Vntowardliness, Sceptical∣ness, Scrupulousness, Vnbelief.
SOBRIETY, discreet, grave, serious, staid, steddy, settled, sage. CONCEITEDNESS, Affectation, Singularity, fantastical, vagary, wild, light, aiery, giddy, freakish, whimsical, hair-brain'd, brain-sick, Humorist, Opiniaster.
MODERATION, Temper, Measure, Gentle-ness, qualifie, reduce to reason. SLIGHTNESS, Slackness, negligence, remissness, Neutrality, frigid, cold, indifferent, unconcerned, slatering, superficial, cur∣sory, overly, perfunctory, faint. FIERCENESS, Fanaticalness, vehemence, violence, eagerness, earnest, furious, heady, immoderate, dogmatical, Opiniaster, boisterous, rough, sour, keen.
CONSIDERATION, Advisedness, deliberate, ruminate, fore∣cast, of or on purpose. CVNCTATION, Loitering, Delay, slack, trifling, linger, lag, while off, drive off, put off. RASHNESS, Hastiness, Temerity, heady, hair-brain'd, fool-hardy, cursory, headlong, precipitate, unadvised, incogitancy, inconsi∣derateness, presumption.
HEEDFULNESS, Wariness, Care, Cantelousness, Watchfulness, At∣tention, Intention, Caution, minding, circumspection, chary, vigi∣lant, cautious▪ shie, advised, aware, beware, intend, look to or about, see to, take heed, be thoughtful, take thought, take warning, narrow∣ly. CARKING, Solicitude, Anxiety, over-thoughtful. CARELESNESS, Heedlesness, incogitancie, negligence▪ slatering, slightness, lightness, supineness, inconsiderate, oscitation, overly, perfunctory, superficial, secure, unwary, retchless, cursory, idle, slothful, sluggardly, slubbering, dissolute, uncircumspect, hand over head, not regard, overslip.
ALACRITY, Chearfulness, readiness, forwardness, with all ones heart, with a good will, free, glad, promptness, propensity, rather. GRVDGING, maunder, murmure, mutter, repine, regret, querulous, go against, with an ill will.
SINCERITY, Vprightness, reality, cordialness, heartiness, downright, honest, plain, simple, unfeigned, sound, clear, uncorrupt. HYPOCRISIE, Dissimulation, double tongue or heart, hollow-hearted, feigning, false, counterfeit, sophistical, pretend.
DILIGENCE, Assiduity, Sedulity, Industry, Attention, Care, Labour, Study, instant, elaborate, ply, bestir, stickle, lay about him, earnest, in∣defatigable, take pains. DOVBLE-DILIGENCE, overdoing, busie▪ pragmatical, fain, medling. SLOTH, Idleness, laziness, carelessness, lither, loose, retchless, dreaming, Drone, Sluggard, Truant, loiter.
INTEGRITY, Honesty, intire, equal, impartial, incorrupt, upright. PARTIALITY, unequal, making a difference, accepting of persons.
CONSTANCY, •erseverance, Stability, Steadiness, stedfast, firm, fixed, sure, certain, resolute, inflexible, unchangeable, abide, persist, hold out, stand out, stay by, stick to, unwearied, indefatigable. PERTINACY, Obstinacy, Contumacy, pervicacious, peremptory, stiff, wilful, inexorable, inflexible. LIGHTNESS, Inconstancy, fickleness, levity, instability, mutabi∣lity, uncertain, unsteddy, unstable, unstedfast, unsettled, unstaid, wavering, divers, dodging, shittle, shuttle, slippery, variable, mu∣table, changeable, trifling, giddy, freakish, paltring, fast and loose.
REPENTANCE, Penitence, compunction, relent, remorse, contri∣tion, rue, return, reclaim, renew, regeneration, penance. IMPENITENCE, Obdurateness, Hard-heartedness.
HOLINESS, Sanctity, Godliness, Piety, Devotion, Righteousness, Sanctification, sacred, Pureness. VNHOLINESS, Wickedness, Iniquity, Impiety, Vngodliness, Pro∣phaneness, Corruption, Sin, Miscreant, graceless, Caitiffe
SELF-DENIAL, Christian Magnanimity, Generosity, Public-spi∣ritedness, Greatness of mind, Resignation. SELFISHNESS, Narrowness, Pedanticalness, Littleness of mind, Worldling.
FAITH, Belief, Believer, Creed. INFIDELITY, Vnbelief, Miscreant.
HOPE, Trust, Affiance, Reliance, Re••mbency. DESPAIR, Despondency, out of heart, forlorn, hopeless, past hope, deadness of heart.
SCIENCE, Knowledge, Skill, Theory, Learning, Insight. CVRIOSITY. IGNORANCE, rude, untaught.
WISDOM, Prudence, Discretion, Sapience, wise, sage, politic. CRAFT, Cunning, Subtilty, Shiness, Policy, Device, Quirk, Sleight, Fetch, Wile, Trick, sly, shrewd, Knave, Shark, Shift, come over one, over reach. FOLLY, Fool-ishness, Simplicity, Silly-ness, Imprudence, Indiscretion, witless, unwise, absurd, shallow, Noddy, Ninny, Sot, infatuate, Foppery.
ART, Skill, Dexterity, Craft, Cunning, Insight, Knack, expert, well-seen in, good at, artificial, Workman, Artist. VNSKILFVLNESS, bungling, blundering, botching, fumbling, cob∣ling, slubber, smatter, ignorant, silly, rude, gross, jejune, inexpert, inartificial, awkward, Freshman, Novice.
EXPERIENCE, Practice, Exercise, Knowledge, conversant, versed, expert, Experiment, Empyric. INEXPERIENCE, inexpert, raw, to seek, Puny, Novice, Freshman, unverst.
LEARNING, Literature, Scholarship, scholastic, Liberal Science, Skill, indoctinate▪ VNLEARNEDNESS, illiterate, unlettered, rude, simple
mouth up
mouth down
flower + creation
flower + destruction
sit + base heart + quantity
sitting posture
kneel + below earth
open box +
closed box
money + posess less
money + posss more
star +
muscle +
muscle +
fast + muscle + action
heavy + mind + wheel
heart + wheel + bear
gaze + mind
reflect + mind
heart + hand
arrow + sweat + goal
negation + mind
any + mind
take inside mind + learn + wheel
study + wheel in mind
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  • 2024/02/22 14:16
  • brahmantra