• Gold standard method for diagnosis and treatment of Ventilator AssociatedPneumonia (VAP) - Broncho
  • alveolar lavage
  • Gold standard approach for resection of anterior and middle mediastinal masses -median or lateral
  • thoracotomy
  • Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of of lung infection (Radiotherapyinduced) in a cancer patient -
  • open-lung biopsy
  • Gold standard method for evaluation of respiratory gas exchange - ABG
  • Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of histoplasmosis - Fungal Culture
  • Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of HSV Encephalitis - Brain biopsy (CSFPCR largely replaced brain
  • biopsy in recent times)
  • Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Tuberculous meningitis - Culture of CSF
  • Gold standard method for estimating resting energy expenditure - indirect calorimetry
  • Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of pertussis - Culture of nasopharyngeal secretions
  • Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of acute pharyngitis - Throat culture
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  • en/gold_standards_pulmonology.txt
  • 2024/07/30 06:42
  • brahmantra