

What is a 'gold standard'?The term 'gold standard' can be referred to a test or a method. A test whichshows the true status of the patient is termed gold standard. These test are assumedto have 100% sensitivity and specificity. Diagnostic power of other tests areevaluated based on the comparison with the gold standard test.When the termapplies to a method or a procedure, a 'gold standard' serves as a basis for evaluationof other methods.

  1. Gold standard method for estimating resting energy expenditure - indirect calorimetry
  2. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Iron deficiency anemia – Estimation of serum Ferritin
  3. Gold standard for proving that the life span of red cell is decreased ( useful in Hemolytic anemia) - Red cell survival study
  4. Gold standard for evaluation of stem cell transplantation therapy - Hemopoietic stemcell transplantation
  5. Gold standard technique for differentiating allograft rejection and reactivation of disease after heart transplantation - Endo-myocardial Biopsy
  6. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of DVT - Contrast venography
  7. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of acute pharyngitis - Throat culture
  8. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of pertussis - Culture of nasopharyngeal secretions
  9. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Otitis externa caused by P. aeruginosa -Technetium 99
  10. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Acoustic Neuroma – Gadolinium MRI
  11. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Shigella infection - isolation and identification of pathogen from fecal material
  12. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Tuberculous meningitis - Culture of CSF
  13. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of HSV Encephalitis - Brain biopsy (CSFPCR largely replaced brain biopsy in recent times)
  14. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of histoplasmosis - Fungal Culture
  15. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomypathy and atrialmyxoma - Echocardiogram
  16. Gold standard investigation for imaging heart valves and valve motion abnormalities- 2D echocardiography
  17. Gold standard investigation for assessment of Myocardial viability (Identification of ischemic or hibernating myocardium)– PET
  18. Gold standard investigation for assessment of LV mass and volume - MRI
  19. Gold standard method for evaluation of renal arteries and identification of renal artery lesions - Contrast arteriography
  20. Gold standard method for evaluation of respiratory gas exchange - ABG
  21. Gold standard investigation for assessment of albuminuria - 24 hr urine collection
  22. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of PNH (Paroxysmal NocturnalHaemoglobinuria) – Flow cytometry
  23. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of ATTR and other AF mutations - DNAsequencing
  24. Gold standard method for identifying and quantifying atherosclerosis in cerebralarteries - x-ray cerebral angiography
  25. Gold standard investigation for evaluating anatomy of arterio venous malformation -x-ray angiography
  26. Gold standard for diagnosis and classification of ataxia - genotype
  27. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of of lung infection (Radiotherapyinduced) in a cancer patient - open-lung biopsy
  28. Gold standard medical treatment for symptomatic progressive pulmonary hypertension – Prostacyclin
  29. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of PIH – Serum Urea
  30. Gold standard for assessment of visual impairment - Snellen's chart
  31. Gold standard method of treatment of non-castrate metastatic disease - surgical orchidectomy
  32. Gold standard method for bacterial stain analysis - Pulse-field gel electrophoresis
  33. Gold standard method of treatment of DCIS - Mastectomy
  34. Gold standard approach for resection of anterior and middle mediastinal masses -median or lateral thoracotomy
  35. Gold standard method of treatment of Coarctation of aorta - Surgical repair
  36. Gold standard method for evaluation of coronary artery disease - cardiac Catheterization
  37. Gold standard method for culture of V. cholerae o139 - Conventional culture methods
  38. Gold standard to determine cut-off titre of widal test for diagnosis of Typhoid fever – Nested PCR
  39. Gold standard treatment of brucellosis in adults - IM Streptomycin + Doxycyclin
  40. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of of chronic arterial mesentric ischemia -angiography
  41. Gold standard method for treatment of chronic ulcerative colitis - Total proctocolostomy with end ileostomy
  42. Gold standard method for evaluation of imaging modalities for liver tumours -Intraoperative ultrasonography
  43. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of common bile duct stones - Endoscopic cholangiography
  44. Gold standard investigation for measurement of GFR - inulin clearance
  45. Gold standard for treatment of organ confined, muscle invasive, bladder cancer is -radical cystoprostatectomy in men and anterior ppelvic exenteration in woman
  46. Gold standard for treatment of femoral shaft fractures - reamed locked intramedullary nailing
  47. Gold standard method in case of difficult intubation - flexible fibreoptic intubation scope
  48. Gold standard method for diagnosis and treatment of Ventilator AssociatedPneumonia (VAP) - Broncho alveolar lavage
  49. Gold standard treatment of hyperparathyroidism - Surgery
  50. Gold standard investigation to differentiate follicular and papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland- histology
  51. Gold standard procedure for thymectomy - Trans cervical mediastinoscopy andsurgery
  52. Gold standard for treatment of adrenal tumours - laparoscopic adrenalectomy
  53. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of breast cancer - mammography
  54. Gold standard method for staging of breast cancer - Axillary lymph node dissection
  55. Gold standard for evaluation of a stable patient with suspected vascular injury -angiography
  56. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of GERD - Ambulatory 24 hr PHmonitoring
  57. Gold standard method for treatment of GERD - Laparoccopic Nissens fundoplication
  58. Gold standard for evaluating cure rate in duodenal ulcer patients – vagotomy
  59. Gold standard finding for the diagnosis of GI perforation - finding pneumoperitoneum
  60. Gold standard for diagnosis of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - Serum gastrinlevels( Most patients have serum gastrin levels above 1000pg/mL)
  61. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of colonic mucosal disease - colonoscopy
  62. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of steatorrhoea - timed quantitative stool fat determination
  63. Gold standard method for treatment of incontinence with an isolated sphincter defect- overlapping sphincteroplasty
  64. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis and method of management of Acutearterial occlusion – laparotomy
  65. Gold standard method for confirmation of mesentric arterial occlusion - mesentricangiography
  66. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of celiac disease – Small intestine biopsy
  67. Gold standard for identifying choledocholithiasis – ERCP
  68. Gold standard method of treatment of Symptomatic cholelitiasis – Lapcholecystectomy
  69. Gold standard method for diagnosis Primary sclerosing cholangitis - ERCP
  70. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of Hepatitis C – HCV RNA assay
  71. Gold standard test for diagnosis of intraluminal bile duct abnormalities - ERCP
  72. Gold standard method for management of hydatid disease – surgery
  73. Gold standard for assessing degree of liver injury and fibrosis - Liver Biopsy
  74. Gold standard method for management of blunt hepatic trauma - non-operativemanagement
  75. Gold standard test for assessment of function of sphincter of oddi – manometry
  76. Gold standaard investigation of diagnosis of Klatskin tumor - Cholangiography
  77. Gold standard investigation for diagnosis of invasive amoebiasis - ELISA
  78. The gold standard—or most ideal test—is a liver biopsy.
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  • en/gold_standard.txt
  • 2024/07/27 08:59
  • brahmantra