By ACTIONS OF GOD in this place, are meant only his transi∣ent Actions, which are terminated in the Creatures. As for his immanent Actions, because we can frame no other conceptions of these but such as are sutable to the acts of our own minds, therefore may they be sufficient∣ly expressed by those that follow in the next Differences. These transient Acts here enumerated, do primarily belong to the Divine Nature; though some of them may in a secondary manner, and by way of allusion and participa∣tion, be sometimes ascribed to other things: To which may be annexed upon the account of Affinity the general name of those Actions which do exceed all Natural power, MIRACLE, Wonder, supernatural.

These are distinguishable into such as do concern either the

  • Putting of things into their first being: or reducing them to nothing.
    • CREATION, Making, Creator, Creature,

Government or disposal of things;

  • More general; whereby he doth most freely and wisely take care of, and provide for all things: To which may be opposed by some Ana∣logy such a necessary Concatenation and unalterable order amongst things as doth not admit of any liberty: or such a blind contingency of things as excludes all wisdom, expressed usually by the word•,
    • PROVIDENCE, Fore-sight, Fore-cast.
      • FATE, Destiny.
      • FORTVNE, Chance, Accident, Venture, Adventure, casual, •ap, Luck, Hazard, fortuitous, a Hit, peradventure, perhaps.
  • More special; belonging either to
    • Animate Creatures; by
      • Contributing to their ‖ well: or ill being.
        • BLESSING, Beatitude, Benediction.
      • Continuing them in their particular kinds of Being: or depriving them of it.
        • PRESERVATION, Conservation, Protection, Keeping, main∣tain, save, Saviour, shelter, guard, keep, cherish.
      • Keeping or taking them from any evil felt or feared: or leaving them to it.
        • DELIVERANCE, Rescue, Save-iour, Salvation, free, quit, rid, clear, exempt.
    • Rational Creatures; as to their
      • Minds; by discovering to them, or impressing upon them, in an extraordinary way, such Truths or Inclinations as humane in∣dustry could not of it self attain to.
        • REVELATION, open, disclose, discover, Vision, Enthusiasm, Fa∣natic, Oracle.
        • INSPIRATION, infuse.
      • States by delivering them from a condition of servitude & misery.
        • REDEMPTION, deliver, save, ransom, rescue.
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  • en/god_actions.txt
  • 2024/07/16 18:04
  • brahmantra