

  • Molecular structure of a gene
    • mainly two types based on function
      • structural genes
        • based on sequence
          • Introns ( non coding sequences )
          • Exons ( coding sequences )
          • flanking regions ( terminal rregions at ends )
            • at 5' end
              • promoter region
                • TATA box
                  • GGGCGGG sequence
                • CAT box
                  • CCAAT
            • Transcription factors bind to this region
            • at 3' end
              • Translation termination codon followed by a
                • poly (A) cap codon
      • Regulatory genes ( control genes )
  • DNA
    • Genic dna
      • single of low copy number
    • Extragenic dna
      • highly repetitive DNA sequences
      • B- extragenic DNA
        • Tandemly repeated DNA sequences
          • Satellite dna
          • Minisatellite dna
            • highly variable DNA sequences
          • Microsatellite dna
        • Interspersed repetitive DNA sequence
          • short
          • long
  • do not act as genes
    • Junk dna
  • Single copy genes
  • Chain initiation
  • chain termination
  • Genetic code
    • 3 bases of DNA ( 3 alphabets of DNA )
      • codons
        • each codon codes for a single amino acid
        • triplet code
        • initiation codon
          • AUG
        • termination codon
          • UAA or UAG
  • Transcription ( Copying )
    • RNA polymerase binds to
      • promoter region
    • begins from 5' to 3 end
    • synthesis of mRNA
      • it is single stranded
      • Structure of mRNA
        • all sequences of structural genes are transcribed ( exons and introns )
          • by process of SPLICING
            • then introns are excised
            • exons are joined to form mature RNA which is shorter
        • It has two ends
          • 5 end
            • methylguanine cap
          • 3' end
  • Translation
    • mRNA
      • Provides the coding sequence for ( बहुजीवर्थाणु / जीवार्थसूत्र - polypeptide chain)
    • Ribosome
    • tRNA
    • Process
      • initiation
        • 5 cap of mRNA
        • initiation complex formed by
          • attachment of elongation factors
        • then moves along the 3' end
        • encounters AUG codon which is the start codon
          • signals the start of
      • elongation
      • termination
        • encounter of stop codon on mRNA
        • release factor binds with ribosome
  • mutation
    • change occurs in structure of gene
      • gene mutation or point mutation ( utparivartan )
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  • en/gene.txt
  • 2023/06/25 11:15
  • brahmantra