

  • Synonym
    • Fallopian tube , uterine tube , salpinx
  • Defintion
    • Tortuous ,ducts which convey oocyte from ovary to uterus
  • Situation
    • Free upper margin of broad ligament of uterus
  • Dimensions
    • 10 cm long
  • Openings
    • Abdominal ostium
  • Subdivisions
    • Infubdibulum
      • Lateral end of the tube
        • Shaped like a funnel
    • Finger like process called fimbria
      • One is longer called ovarian fimbria
    • Ampulla
      • Medial
        • Thin walled , tortuous
        • Arches over upper pole of ovary
        • Site of fertilisation
    • Isthmus
      • Narrow , rounded
      • Uterine or intramural part
      • Uterine ostium
  • Course and relations
    • Isthmus
    • Ampulla arches over ovary ,
    • Related to anterior and posterior borders
    • Lies in upper free margin of broad ligament of uterus
      • Mesosalpinx
  • Blood supply
    • Uterine artery
      • Medial 2/3
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Nerve supply
  • Histology
    • Serous coat
    • Muscular coat
    • Mucous membrane


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  • en/fallopian_tube.txt
  • 2023/06/20 13:08
  • brahmantra