• EYE
    • Eyeball
      • poles or ends
        • Anterior pole
        • Posterior pole
      • imaginary lines and axis
        • Equator
        • Meridians
        • External axis of eyeball
        • Internal axis of eyeball
        • Optic axis or visual axis
          • passes through anterior and posterior poles
        • orbital axis
          • line from optic canal and center of base of orbit , opening on face
      • segments
        • Anterior segment
        • Posterior segment
      • Sclera
        • Sulcus sclerae
        • Trabecular tissue
          • Corneoscleral part
          • Uveal part
          • Scleral spur
        • Scleral venous sinus Schlemm's canal
        • Episcleral layer
        • Substantia propria
        • Suprachoroid lamina
        • Lamina cribrosa of sclera
      • Cornea
        • Conjungtival ring
        • Corneoscleral junction; corneal limbus
        • Corneal vertex
        • Anterior surface
        • Posterior surface
        • Corneal epithelium
        • Posterior limiting lamina Bowman
        • Substantia propria
        • Posterior limiting lamina Descemet
        • Endothelium of anterior chamber
      • Choroid
        • Suprachoroid lamina
        • Perichoroidal space
        • Vascular lamina
        • Capillary lamina
        • Basal lamina Bruch
        • Choroid blood vessels
      • Ciliary body
        • Corona ciliaris
        • Ciliary processes
        • Ciliary plicae
        • Orbiculus ciliaris
        • Ciliary muscle
        • Basal lamina
      • Iris
        • Pupillary margin
        • Ciliary margin
        • Anterior surface
        • Posterior surface
        • Outer border of iris
        • Inner border of iris
        • Folds of iris
        • Pupil
          • Sphincter pupillae
          • Dilator pupillae
        • Stroma of iris
        • Pigmented epithelium
        • Spaces of iridocorneal angle Fontan
        • Major circulus arteriosus of iris
        • Minor circulus arteriosus of iris
        • (Pupillary membrane)
      • Retina
        • Nonvisual retina
          • Ciliary part of retina
          • Iridial part of retina
        • Ora serrata
        • Optic part of retina
          • Pigmented layer
          • Neural layer
        • Layer of inner and outer segments
          • Outer limiting layer
          • Outer nuclear layer
          • Outer plexiform layer
          • Inner nuclear layer
          • Inner plexiform layer
          • Ganglionic layer
          • Layer of nerve fibres
          • Inner limiting layer
        • Optic disc
        • Macula
          • Fovea centralis
          • Foveola
      • Optic nerve
        • Intracranial part
        • Part in canal
        • Orbital part
        • Intra-ocular part
          • Postlaminar part
          • Intralaminar part
          • Prelaminar part
        • Outer sheath
        • Inner sheath
          • Subarachnoid space; leptomeningeal space
      • Retinal blood vessels
        • Central retinal artery, intraocular part
          • Vascular circle of optic nerve
          • Superior temporal retinal arteriole
          • Inferior temporal retinal arteriole
          • Superior nasal retinal arteriole
          • Inferior nasal retinal arteriole
          • Superior macular arteriole
          • Inferior macular arteriole
          • Middle macular arteriole
        • Central retinal vein, intraocular part
          • Superior temporal retinal venule
          • Inferior temporal retinal venule
          • Superior nasal retinal venule
          • Inferior nasal retinal venule
          • Superior macular venule
          • Inferior macular venule
          • Middle macular venule
    • Lens
      • Lens substance
      • Cortex of lens
      • Nucleus of lens
      • Lens fibres
      • Lens epithelium
      • Capsule of lens
      • Anterior pole
      • Posterior pole
      • Anterior surface
      • Posterior surface
      • Axis
      • Equator
      • Radii
      • Ciliary zonule
        • Zonular fibres
        • Zonular spaces
    • Chambers of eyeball
      • Aqueous humor
      • Anterior chamber
        • Iridocorneal angle
      • Posterior chamber
      • Postremal chamber; vitreous chamber
      • Retrozonular space
      • Vitreous body
      • (Hyaloid artery)
      • Hyaloid canal
      • Hyaloid fossa
      • Vitreous membrane
      • Vitreous stroma
      • Vitreous humor
      • Periorbita or orbital fascia
        • forms periosteum of bony orbit
        • posteriorly
          • continuous with duramater and sheath of optic nerve
        • anteriorly
          • continuous with periosteum lining bones around orbital margin
        • gap
          • over inferior orbital fissure
          • bridged by connective tissue and smooth muscle fibres
          • orbitalis muscle
            • Orbital septum
              • upper and lower margins of orbit
                • flap like continuations in to eyelids
            • lacrimal fascia
              • bridges lacrimal groove
            • fibrous pulley of tendon
      • Fascial sheath of eyeball or bulbar fascia
        • Tenon's capsule
          • parts
            • extends from optic nerve to the sclerocorneal junction or limbus
            • separated from sclera by episcleral space
          • lower part thickened to form
            • Suspensory ligament of eyeball / lockwood
        • sheath Expansions
          • tubular sheath covers each orbital muscles
          • medial check ligament
            • strong triangular expansion from sheath of medial rectus muscle
            • attached to lacrimal bone
          • lateral check ligament
            • strong triangular expansion from sheath of lateral rectus muscle
            • attached to zygomatic bone
      • Episcleral space
      • Retrobulbar fat; orbital fat body
      • Muscular fascia
      • Eyebrow
      • Eyelids
        • Superior eyelid; upper eyelid
        • Inferior eyelid; lower eyelid
        • Anterior surface of eyelid
        • Palpebronasal fold; medial canthic fold
        • Posterior surface of eyelid
        • Palpebral fissure
        • Lateral palpebral commissure
        • Medial palpebral commissure
        • Lateral angle of eye
        • Medial angle of eye
        • Anterior palpebral margin
        • Posterior palpebral margin
        • Eyelashes
        • Superior tarsus
        • Inferior tarsus
        • Lateral palpebral ligament
        • Medial palpebral ligament
        • Tarsal glands Meibomian glands
        • Ciliary glands Moll's glands
        • Sebaceous glands Zeis's glands
        • Superior tarsal muscle
        • Inferior tarsal muscle
      • Conjunctiva
        • Plica semilunaris
        • Lacrimal caruncle
        • Bulbar conjunctiva
        • Palpebral conjunctiva
        • Superior conjunctival fornix
        • Inferior conjunctival fornix
        • Conjunctival sac
        • Conjunctival glands Wolfring's glands
      • Lacrimal apparatus
        • Lacrimal gland
          • Orbital part
          • Palpebral part
        • Excretory ducts
        • (Accessory lacrimal glands)
        • Lacrimal pathway
        • Lacus lacrimalis; lacrimal lake
        • Lacrimal papilla
        • Lacrimal punctum
        • Lacrimal canaliculus
          • Ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus
        • Lacrimal sac
          • Fornix of lacrimal sac
        • Nasolacrimal duct
          • Lacrimal fold
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  • en/eye_terminology.txt
  • 2023/06/17 11:05
  • brahmantra