

V. By RECREATION, Diversion, Pastime, Sport, Exercise,* are meant those several kinds of Actions which are used for divertisement or Exercise: to which may be annexed the word GAME, Play, Prize, signifying such kind of Exercises, wherein there is an en∣deavour for Mastery. These are either of the

  • Chance onely; according to ‖ the more general name: or that particular kind which is most frequent by marked Cubes.
    • LOT, Sortition, Cuts, Ballot, cast or draw Lots.
    • DICE, a Dy, cock-all, rifle.
  • Chance and Skill.
    • CHARTS.
    • TABLES.
  • Skill onely.
    • CHESS.

The whole; requiring

  • Strength and Skill.
    • BOWLING.
    • BALLING, Tennis, Foot ball, Stool-ball, Sto-Ball. Pel-mel.
  • Agility and Skill.
    • DANCING, Masking, Revels, a Ball, Morice, Mumming.
  • Strength Agility and Skill.
    • WRESTLING, grapling, strugling, striving, handy gripes, strike up ones heels.
    • FENCING, Gladiator, Tilting, Tournament, justling, play at weapon or foils.

The Eye, or the Ear.

  • SIGHTS, Shews, Theatre, Amphitheatre, Pageants, Spectacle.
  • MUSIC, Serenade, strein, aer, tune, prelude, Waits, Crowd, Fiddle-er, Minstrel, play on an Instrument.
  • Eye excercise
    • Repeatedly blinking for 10 to 20 times
    • Staring at an object for some 3 to 4 minutes
    • Closing eyes for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Nose excercise or breathing excercise
    • Breathing with single nose both inspiration and expiration
    • Holding the breath
  • Mouth excercise
    • Repeating a mantra or mental word 30 to 40 times
    • Counting numbers of alphabets in reverse or alphabetical or numerical order
  • Ear Excercise
    • Closing one ear for some time
    • Closing both ears and humming
    • Closing One ear and humming
  • Silent Meditation ( Samadhi )
    • Closed ears
    • Closed Mouth
    • Closed Eyes
    • Closed Nose

rotating neck along with head Looking to sides


  • Contracting and relaxing perineum according to our will
  • Mentally contracting and relaxing perineum
  • Strength with fist
  • Holding gesture both hands
  • Palm
    • MEET
      • Opposition palms
      • Reverse opposition hands
    • Front to back
      • Opposite ways ( pronated and supinated )
      • same ways back (both supinated )
      • same ways front (both pronated )
    • Side to side ( pronated and supinated )
      • clockwise
      • anticlockwise
  • Folding fingers
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  • en/excercise.txt
  • 2024/03/12 14:29
  • brahmantra