Epithelial tissue

  • internal or external ; more soft consistence
    • Epithelium
      • MEMBRANE, Film, Pannicle, Tunicle, Pericardium, Pe∣ricranium, Peritonaeum.
  • Containing a circular group of epithelial cells
    • GLANDS, GLANDULE, Kernel, Emunctory, Almond, Bur, Sweet-bread, Nut.
    • Follicle
      • Thyroid Follicle
      • Ovarian Follicle
  • homogenous tubular ; Formed of numerous minute canals
    • nephron joins to form
    • seminiferous tubules joins to form
      • vas deferens , epididymis , rete testis
    • alveoli joins to form
      • bronchioles , bronchi , trachea
    • exocrine ducts
    • villi
      • chorionic villi
      • gastric villi
        • microvilli
      • renal villi
    • capillaries
      • glomerular capillaries
      • fenestrated capillaries
      • sinusoidal capillaries
Epitheliocytus ciliatus Ciliated Epithelial cell
Epitheliocytus columnaris Columnar epithelial cell
  • Epithelium Simplex Cuboidum (simple cuboidal epithelium)
  • Epithelium Simplex Columnare ( Simple Columnar epithelium )
  • Epithelium Pseudostratificatum Columnare ( Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium )
simple squamous squamous_epithelium-simple.jpg Air sacs of lungs , lining of heart , blood vessels and lymph vessels
simple cuboidal cuboidal-epithelium-simpl.jpg ducts and secretory portions of small glands and in kidney tubules
ciliated columnar columnar-epithelium-simpl.jpg bronchi , fallopian tubes , uterus
non ciliated columnar columnar-epithelium-simpl.jpg digestive tract
pseudostratified epithelium pseudostratified-columnar.jpg trachea and much of upper respiratory tract

transitional-epithl.jpg strat-sq-kerati.jpg stratified-sq-non-kerat.jpg

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  • en/epithelial_tissue.txt
  • 2024/07/25 07:39
  • brahmantra