
Embryology terminology

  • Allantois
  • Amnioblast
  • Amnion
  • Amniotic cavity
  • Anal membrane
  • Angiogenesis
  • Anterior intestinal portal
  • Aortic sac
  • Auricle
  • Battledore placenta
  • Bidiscoid placenta
  • Bilaminar
  • Blastocoel
  • Blastocyst
  • Blastomeres
  • Blastopore
  • Branchial cleft
  • Bucconasal membrane
  • Buccopharyngeal membrane
  • Bulboventricular loop
  • Bulboventricular sulcus
  • Bulbus cordis
  • Caecal saccules
  • Caecul bud
  • Cardiac progenitor cell
  • Cardinal vein
  • Cardiogenic area
  • Cephalic flexure
  • Cervical flexure
  • Cervical sinus
  • Chorion
  • Chorion frondosum
  • Chorion laevae
  • Chorionic cavity
  • Circumvallate Placenta
  • Cleavage
  • Cloacal membrane
  • Coelom
  • Connecting stalk
  • Convergence
  • Crista terminalis
  • Cystic bud
  • Cytotrophoblast
  • Decidua basalis
  • Decidua caspularis
  • Decidua parietalis
  • Diencephalon
  • Discoid placenta
  • Dorsal aorta
  • Dorsal mesogastrium
  • Ductus arteriosus
  • Ductus arteriosus
  • Ductus caroticus
  • Ectoderm
  • Ectodermal cleft
  • Emboly
  • Embryo
  • Embryoblast
  • Embryotroph
  • Endoderm
  • Epiblast
  • Epiboly
  • Epicardial ridge
  • Epicardium
  • Epidermal ridge
  • Exocoelomic cavity
  • Extension
  • Extraembryonic coelom
  • Extraembryonic mesoderm
  • First aortic arch
  • Foramen caecum
  • Foramen ovale
  • Foramen secundum
  • Forebrain vesicle
  • Foregut
  • Frontonasal process
  • Gastrula
  • Genital ridge
  • Genital tubercle
  • Germ disc
  • Heart tubes
  • Hepatic bud
  • Hepatic sinusoids
  • Heusers membrane
  • Hindgut
  • Hypoblast
  • Hypobranchial eminence
  • Implantation
  • Induction
  • Intermaxillary segment
  • Intermediate mesoderm
  • Intraembryonic mesoderm
  • Jejunoileal coils
  • Labio gingival sulcus
  • Laryngotracheal groove
  • Laryngotracheal tube
  • Lateral plate mesoderm
  • Left horn
  • Lens placode
  • Lens vesicle
  • Ligamentum.venosum
  • Ligamentum arteriosum
  • Limb ridge
  • Lingual swelling
  • Lung bud
  • Mandibular process
  • Maxillary process
  • Melanoblast
  • Mesencephalon
  • Mesocardium
  • Mesoderm
  • Mesonephric duct - wolfian duct
  • Mesonephric tubules
  • Metameres
  • Metanephros
  • Metanephros blastema
  • Metanephros vesicle
  • Metencephalon
  • Midgut
  • Migration
  • Morula
  • Myelencephalon
  • Myocardium
  • Myotome
  • Nasal fin
  • Nasal pit
  • Nasal placode
  • Nasal prominence
  • Nasal sac
  • Nephrogenic cord
  • Neural crest
  • Neural folds
  • Neural groove
  • Neural plate
  • Neural tube
  • Neurenteric canal
  • Neuroectoderm
  • Neuropores
  • Notochord
  • Notochordal canal
  • Notochordal plate
  • Olfactory pit
  • Olfactory pit
  • Optic cup
  • Optic placode
  • Optic vesicle
  • Pancreatic buds
  • Paramesonephric duct
  • Paraxial mesoderm
  • Pericardial bar
  • Pericardial bulge
  • Pericardial sac
  • Pharyngeal arches
  • Pharyngeal arches
  • Pharyngeal cleft
  • Pharyngeal pouches
  • Pharyngeal pouches
  • Placenta Membranacea
  • Placenta accreta
  • Placenta increta
  • Placenta percreta
  • Placenta succenturiata
  • Pleuroperitoneal fold
  • Pleuroperucardial fold
  • Pleuroperucardial membrane
  • Pleuroperucardial opening
  • Pontine flexure
  • Post costal anastomosis
  • Postarterial midgut
  • Posterior intestinal portal
  • Prearterial midgut
  • Prechordal plate
  • Precostal anastomosis
  • Premaxillary part
  • Primary palate
  • Primary stem villi
  • Primary yolk sac
  • Primitive anorectal canal
  • Primitive aorta
  • Primitive atrium
  • Primitive groove
  • Primitive gut
  • Primitive heart
  • Primitive knot
  • Primitive node
  • Primitive pit
  • Primitive rectum
  • Primitive renal tubule
  • Primitive streak
  • Primitive urogenital sinus
  • Primitive ventricle
  • Proctodaeum - ectodermal anal pit
  • Prosencephalon
  • Ramus chorii
  • Respiratory primordia
  • Rhombencephalon
  • Right horn
  • Sclerotome
  • Sclerotome
  • Secondary palate
  • Secondary yolk sac
  • Septum primum
  • Septum secundum
  • Septum spurium
  • Septum transversum
  • Sinus venarum
  • Sinus venosus
  • Somatopleuric mesoderm
  • Somites
  • Somitomeres
  • Splanchnopleuric mesoderm
  • Stomodaeum
  • Stratum spongiosum
  • Synctiotrophoblast
  • Telencephalon
  • Telencephalon flexure
  • Thyroglossal duct
  • Trabeculae
  • Tracheobronchial diverticulum
  • Tracheoesophageal septum
  • Transverse sinus
  • Trilaminar
  • Trophectoderm
  • Trophoblast
  • Truncus arteriosus
  • Truncus chorii
  • Tuberculum impar
  • Tubotympanic recess
  • Umbilical cord
  • Umbilical vein
  • Umbilical vesicle
  • Urachus
  • Ureteric bud
  • Urogenital membrane
  • Urogenital ridge
  • Urorectal septum
  • Uterovaginal canal
  • Vasculogenesis
  • Velamentous placenta
  • Ventral aorta
  • Ventral mesogastrium
  • Vernix caseosa
  • Vesicourethral canal
  • Vitelline vein
  • Vitellointestinal duct
  • Zygote
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  • en/embryology-terminology.txt
  • 2022/04/10 05:22
  • brahmantra