

Criteria for selection of a vessel to be used

  • Size of vessel
  • Depth of the location of vessel
  • Proximity of the vessel to the heart
  • Choice in infants and children
  • Choice of artery in non autopsied bodies
  • Choice of artery in autopsied bodies

Exposure of the vessels

  • Common carotid artery and internal jugular vein
  • Axillary artery and vein
  • Brachial artery and basilic vein
  • Radial artery
  • Femoral artery and vein

Exposure and cannulation

  • Transverse incision
  • Longitudinal incision
  • Combined incision
  • Wedge incision

Methods of EMBALMING

  1. Arterial EMBALMING
  2. Cavity EMBALMING : it is mainly of three steps
    1. insertion of trocar
    2. aspiration
    3. injection of fluid

Supplemental methods of EMBALMING

  1. Hypodermic EMBALMING
  2. Surface EMBALMING

EMBALMING procedure


  • Gravity injection
  • Electric pump (air pressure machine)
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  • en/embalming.txt
  • 2023/03/08 06:45
  • brahmantra