• Intermediate Mesoderm extends on each side of primitive dorsal aorta
    • bulging on posterior abdominal wall lateral to dorsal mesentery
    • आद्य मूत्रजनांग कटक ( urogenital ridge )
      • Lateral Nephrogenic Cord
        • extends from cervical to thoracic segments , each segment called nephrotome
        • rest of unsegmented column , known as nephrogenic cord
        • development and dissapearnace ( ONTOGENY REPEATS PHYLOGENY )
          • firstly propnephros ( upper cervical and thoracic segments )
            • pronephros dissapears except its duct
            • from Solid cellular cord of cells
              • acquires a lumen called as nephrocele
                • evagination from dorsal wall
                  • grows laterally and then caudal backwards
                    • downturned ends join to form single primary excretory or pronephric duct
                      • bends in to urorectal septum
                        • opens in to ventral part of cloaca
                    • other end is present close to peritoneal funnel
                      • external glomerulus of capillaries project in to dorsal wall of coelom
                      • internal glomerulus
                      • metabolic wastes are liberated through these
                • 7-8 segmentally arranged pronephric tubules
          • Secondly mesonephros ( thoraco-lumbar direction )
            • cephalic part of mesonephros dissapears
            • caudal part shifts alleigance to genital system
              • in males it forms the duct system of testes
              • in females it forms part of broad ligament
            • 70-80 Mesonephric tubules appear serially
              • laterally opens in to pronephric duct
                • mesonephric duct or wolffian duct
              • medial end does not communicate with coelomic cavity
                • internal glomerulus by a dilated blind end
              • mesonephric tubules become S-shaped
                • medial secretory part lined by columnar cells
                • lateral collecting part lined by cuboidal cells
              • each segment contains one mesonephric tubule and one glomerulus
                • tracing caudally each contains 3 or more tubules
                  • each tubule is connected to numerous glomeruli
              • proximal mesonephric tubules start disappearing around 5 th week
                • ureteric bud develops from the mesonephric duct
                  • its distal end dilates and invades nephrogenic cord
                    • it shifts from dorsomedial to dorsolateral side
                      • cap like investment called metanephric blastema
                    • distal dilated end divides in to cranial and caudal parts
                      • future major calyxes
                • the main duct connecting ureteric bud and mesonephric duct to cloaca is called
                  • common excretory duct
              • around 8 th week 26 tubules and a single duct persist
          • Thirdly metanephric blastema ( lumbo-sacral region )
            • retained as the permanent kidney
      • मध्य जननांग कटक ( Medial Genital Ridge )
  • Cloaca
    • आद्य मूत्रजनन गुहा (Primitive urogenital sinus)
      • vesico-urethral canal
        • urinary bladder
        • primitive urethra
    • निश्चित मूत्रजनांग गुहा ( Definitive urogenital sinus )
      • pelvic part
      • phallic part

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  • en/development-of-urogenital-system.txt
  • 2023/06/21 10:13
  • brahmantra