

  • DEIXIS ( निर्देश )
    • ORIGO ( the origo is the reference point on which deictic relationships are based.)
    • Personal deictic words ( निजी निर्देश शब्द ) , called personal pronouns
    • Spatial, or place, deixis ( (स्थानिक निर्देश, ) is used to refer to spatial locations relative to an utterance
    • Temporal, or time, deixis ( (समयिक निर्देश, ) is used to refer to time relevant to the utterance
    • referent ( is a person or thing to which a name – a linguistic expression or other symbol – refers. )
  • Diectic center
    • dot
    • 3D dot
  • Deixis or Diectic axis
    • line or axis , since 1d creatures does not exist
  • Diectic plane
  • Diectic Cube
    • प्रतिनिर्देश ( back reference ) , प्रतिनिर्देशक
    • अभिनिर्देश ( forward reference ) , अभी निर्देशक
    • अभिमति ( self reference )
    • निर्देश क्रम ( sequence of reference )
      • स्वर निर्देश
        • The object referred to is called the referent of the word
      • चित्र निर्देश , निर्देश चित्र
      • निर्देश पदार्थ ( निर्देशार्थ , अर्थात , sense )
      • अंत निर्देश , ( final reference ) or दृष्टांत ( exemplification )
        • The converse relation, the relation from object to word, is called exemplification; the object exemplifies what the word denotes
  • संदर्भ ( context )
    • निर्विवाद ( no context )
    • प्रसङ्ग
    • सामाजिक संदर्भ ( social context )
    • वाक्य संदर्भ ( verbal context )
  • अर्थ ( meaning )


    • diectic centre
    • dietic relations of being
      • proximal
      • distal
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  • en/deixis.txt
  • 2024/07/23 10:25
  • brahmantra