• deep cervical fascia
    • pretracheal fascia
      • encloses and suspends thyroid gland
      • attachments
        • superiorly
          • hyoid bone in median plane
          • oblique line of thyroid cartilage laterally
          • cricoid cartilage
        • inferiorly
          • encloses inferiior thyroid veins
          • blends with arch of aorta and pericardium
        • on either side
          • forms front of carotid sheath
    • buccopharyngeal fascia
      • covers superior constrictor muscle externally
      • extends on superficial aspect of buccinator muscle
    • pharyngobasilar fascia
      • thickened between
      • upper border of superior constrictor
      • base of skull
    • prevertebral fascia
      • lies infront of prevertebral muscles
      • attachments
        • superiorly
          • attached to base of skull
        • inferiorly
          • extends in to superior mediastinum to split in to
            • anterior
              • blends with buccopharyngeal fascia
            • posterior layers
              • attached to body of T4 vertebra
              • also attached to anterior longitudinal ligament
        • laterally
          • lies deep to trapezius muscle
          • attached to fascia of sternocleidomastoid
        • anteriorly
          • separated from pharynx and buccopharyngeal fascia by
            • retropharyngeal space
              • retropharyngeal abscess
            • lower part prevertebral fascia and buccopharyngeal fascia fuse
    • other features
      • cervical plexus and brachial plexus behind this fascia
      • axillary sheath
    • investing layer
      • deep to platysma
      • forms roof of posterior triangle
      • attachments
        • superiorly
          • external occipital protuberance
          • superior nuchal line
          • mastoid process, styloid process
          • external acoustic meatus , tympanic plate
          • base of mandible
          • superificial lamina
            • splits fo form parotid fascia
        • inferiorly
          • spine of scapula
          • acromion process
          • manubrium
        • anteriorly
          • symphysis menti
          • hyoid bone
      • other features
        • splits to enclose
          • muscles
            • trapezius
            • sternocleidomastoid
          • salivary gland
            • submandibular
              • while cutting this gland external carotid artery must be secured
            • parotid gland
              • parotid swelling are painful
          • space
            • suprasternal
              • containsright and left sternocleidomastoid heads
              • jugular venous arch
              • interclavicular ligament
              • lymph node
            • supraclavicular
              • traversed by
                • external jugular vein
                  • clinically division of vein can cause air embolism
                • supraclavicular nerves
    • carotid sheath
      • relations
        • anterior wall
          • ansa cervicalis
        • cervical sympathetic chain lies behind the sheet plastered to prevertebral fascia
        • overlapped by anterior birder of sternocleidomastoid
      • content
        • common or internal carotid arteries
        • vagus nerve
        • internal jugular vein

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  • en/deep_cervical_fascia.txt
  • 2023/06/14 09:37
  • brahmantra