


      • Terminal ganglion
      • Olfactory nerves
      • Superior branch
      • Inferior branch
      • Branch of oculomotor nerve to ciliary ganglion; etc.
      • Sensory root
      • Motor root
        • Tentorial nerve
        • Lacrimal nerve
          • Communicating branch with zygomatic nerve
        • Frontal nerve
          • Supra-orbital nerve
            • Lateral branch
            • Medial branch
          • Supratrochlear nerve
        • Nasociliary nerve
          • Branch of nasociliary nerve to ciliary ganglion; etc.
            • Long ciliary nerves
          • Posterior ethmoidal nerve
            • Anterior meningeal branch
          • Anterior ethmoidal nerve
            • Internal nasal branches
            • Lateral nasal branches
            • Medial nasal branches
            • External nasal nerve
        • Infratrochlear nerve
          • Palpebral branches
        • Meningeal branch
        • Branches of maxillary nerve to pterygopalatine ganglion; etc.
        • Orbital branches
        • Posterior superior lateral nasal branches
        • Posterior superior medial nasal branches
        • Nasopalatine nerve
        • Pharyngeal nerve
        • Greater palatine nerve
          • Posterior inferior nasal nerves
        • Lesser palatine nerves
          • Tonsillar branches
        • Superior alveolar nerves
          • Posterior superior alveolar branches
          • Middle superior alveolar branch
          • Anterior superior alveolar branches
            • Superior dental plexus
            • Superior dental branches
            • Superior gingival branches
        • Zygomatic nerve
          • Zygomaticotemporal branch
          • Zygomaticofacial branch
        • Infra-orbital nerve
          • Inferior palpebral branches
          • External nasal branches
          • Internal nasal branches
          • Superior labial branches
        • Meningeal branch; nervus spinosus
        • Nerve to medial pterygoid
        • Branches of mandibular nerve to otic ganglion; etc.
        • Nerve to tensor veli palatini
        • Nerve to tensor tympani
        • Masseteric nerve
        • Deep temporal nerves
        • Nerve to lateral pterygoid
        • Buccal nerve
        • Auriculotemporal nerve
          • Nerve to external acoustic meatus
          • Branches to tympanic membrane
          • Parotid branches
          • Communicating branches with facial nerve
          • Anterior auricular nerves
          • Superficial temporal branches
        • Lingual nerve
          • Branches to isthmus of fauces
          • Communicating branches with hypoglossal nerve
          • Chorda tympani
          • Sublingual nerve
          • Lingual branches
          • Branches of mandibular nerve to submandibular ganglion; etc.
          • (Branches of mandibular nerve to sublingual ganglion; etc.
        • Inferior alveolar nerve
          • Nerve to mylohyoid
          • Inferior dental plexus
            • Inferior dental branches
            • Inferior gingival branches
        • Mental nerve
          • Mental branches
          • Labial branches
          • Gingival branches
      • Geniculum
      • Nerve to stapedius
      • Posterior auricular nerve
        • Occipital branch
        • Auricular branch
      • Digastric branch
      • Stylohyoid branch
      • Communicating branch with glossopharyngeal nerve
      • Parotid plexus
      • Temporal branches
      • Zygomatic branches
      • Buccal branches
      • (Lingual branch)
      • Marginal mandibular branch
      • Cervical branch
    • Intermediate nerve
      • Geniculate ganglion
      • Greater petrosal nerve; parasympathetic root of pterygopalatine ganglion
      • Chorda tympani; parasympathetic root of submandibular ganglion
      • Communicating branch with tympanic plexus
      • Communicating branch with vagus nerve
      • Vestibular nerve
        • Vestibular ganglion
          • Cochlear communicating branch
        • Superior part
        • Inferior part
      • Cochlear nerve
        • Cochlear ganglion; spiral ganglion
      • Superior ganglion
      • Inferior ganglion
      • Tympanic nerve
        • Tympanic enlargement; tympanic ganglion
        • Tympanic plexus
          • Tubal branch
          • Caroticotympanic nerves
      • Communicating branch with auricular branch of vagus nerve
      • Pharyngeal branches
      • Stylopharyngeal branch
      • Carotid branch
      • Tonsillar branches
      • Lingual branches
      • Lesser petrosal nerve; parasympathetic root of otic ganglion
      • Communicating branch with meningeal branch of vagus nerve
      • Communicating branch with auriculotemporal nerve
      • Communicating branch with chorda tympani
      • Superior ganglion
      • Meningeal branch
      • Auricular branch
      • Inferior ganglion
      • Communicating branch with glossopharyngeal nerve
      • Pharyngeal branch
        • Pharyngeal plexus
      • Superior laryngeal nerve
      • Superior cervical cardiac branches
      • Inferior cervical cardiac branches
      • Recurrent laryngeal nerve
        • Tracheal branches
        • Oesophageal branches
        • Pharyngeal branches
      • Thoracic cardiac branches
      • Bronchial branches
      • Pulmonary plexus
      • Oesophageal plexus
      • Anterior vagal trunk
        • Anterior gastric branches
          • Anterior nerve of lesser curvature
        • Hepatic branches
          • Pyloric branch
      • Posterior vagal trunk
        • Posterior gastric branches
          • Posterior nerve of lesser curvature
        • Coeliac branches
      • Renal branches
      • Cranial root; vagal part
      • Spinal root; spinal part
      • Trunk of accessory nerve
        • Internal branch
        • External branch
          • Muscular branches
      • Lingual branches
      • Spinal nerves
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  • en/cranial-nerves.txt
  • 2023/06/13 05:08
  • brahmantra