Existing or not existing of the End designed.

  • OBTEINING, Acquire, get, procure, attain, reach, gain, compass, re∣cover, take, win, catch, come by, pick up.
  • FRVSTRATING, Fail, disappoint miss, defeat, deceive, elude, cross, come short of, shift off, put by, of no effect, to no purpose, vain, void, nullity.

Increasing or Diminishing of our Possessions.

  • GAINING, Lucre, Advantage, Profit, Emolument, Stock, the proceed, acquire, get, win, recover, extort.
  • LOOSING, Dammage, decrement, detriment, disadvantage, disprofit, wrack, spoil hurt, hinderance, out of ones way.

Diminishing or Increasing of our Want.

  • SAVING, Sparing, take up.
  • SPENDING, Lay out, bestow, expend, dispend, expence, charges, cost, sumptuary, run out.

Continuing, or not Continuing of a thing in our Possession.

Imperfect; denoting the Endeavour and care we use about it, whe∣ther any or none.

  • LAYING UP, Treasuring, Preserving, Stow, Hoord, Store, Re∣pository.
  • SQANDRING, Lavish, profuse, careless, mispend, embezel, wast, unthrifty, ill husbandry, spendthrift, flying out.

Perfect; Consisting in the Good or Ill success of such Endeavour.

  • KEEPING, Preserve, retain, Custody, holding, promptuary, Cellar.
  • LOOSING, Perdition, loss, wrack, shed, spil.

Simply; denoting the applying of a thing to its proper end, or the not applying of it so.

  • USING, Imploy, improve, exercise, occupy, manage, treat, handle, entertain, useful, serviceable, stand in good stead.
  • ABSTEINING, Forbear, refrain, spare, withdraw, wean, hold ones hand.

Relatively; as to that satisfaction or dissatisfaction of mind which we have in the use of a thing.

  • INJOYING, Fruition.
  • BEING SICK OF, Nauseate, loath, tedious, surfet, weary of.


  • REFRESHING, Recreate, relieve, recruit, relaxation, refection, Bait.
  • WEARYING, Lassitude, tyring, tedious, faint, fatigue.


  • QUIETING, Tranquillity, rest, compose, sedate, serene, still, calm, set or be at rest.
  • TROVBLING, Molest, disturb, annoy, disquiet, incumber, infest, in∣terrupt, pester, cumber, turbulent, stirs, coil, broil, turmoil, garboil, perturbation.
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  • en/corporeal_values.txt
  • 2024/06/16 06:12
  • brahmantra