

IV. HOMILETICAL Vertues more COMMON, are such vertuous habits as are required in men of all degrees and conditions for the regu∣lating of their mutual Conversations. Not that the other Vertues before specified, are not likewise necessary to this end: but that they do not so di∣rectly and immediately tend to it as these others do which are styled HO∣MILETICAL. To which may be opposed INSOCIABLENESS, Barbarism.

These are distinguishable into such as render our Conversation; either



Declarations or Assertions.

  • VERACITY, Truth.
  • LYING, Leasing, forge, fib, flam, false, perjury.
    • OVER-SAYING, Hyperbole, Boasting, Ostenta∣tion, vapor, crack, brag, vaunt, swagger, •o∣domontade.
    • VNDER-SAYING, Detraction, Diminution, disparage, traduce, depreciate.

Obligations or Promises.

  • FIDELITY, trusty, true, loyal.
    • OFFICIOVSNESS, Fawning.
    • TREACHERY, perfidious, false, faithless, unfaithful, untrusty, disloyal, Recreant, Traitor, Ambodex•er, betray, falter, undermine, prevaricate.
  • PEACEABLENESS, Quietness, Concord Accord▪ Agreement, Vni∣on, appease, atone, pacifie, reconcile, compose, take up, compromize, still, calm, set at peace, part a fray.
    • CONTENTIOVSNESS, Strife, Dissension, Discord, Variance, Controversie, Difference, Broils, Contest, Combustion, Debate, Division, Bickering, litigious, quarrel, wrangle, clash, jarr, brabble, jangle, Gar∣boil, Odds, Brangling, Conflict, Squabble, Brawling, Cavilling, captious, Incendiary, Barreter, Bonte∣few, Shrew, Scold.


  • Saying what is fit to be said.
    • FRANKNESS, Freeness, plain, open-hearted.
      • TOO MVCH OPENNESS, Tell-tale, Blab,
      • RESERVEDNESS, shy, nice, coy, demure, staunch, wary, close.
  • Concealing what is fit to be concealed.
    • TACITURNITY, staunch, close, still, counsel-keeping, secrecy, silence.
    • LOQVACITY, Babbling, Garrulity, talkative, babble, blab, chat∣ter, gabbling, tattle, prate-ttle.

Persons; in observing a just Decorum.

  • GRAVITY, Seriousness, sober, demure, sage▪ stayed, earnest, settled, solid.
    • FORMALNESS, Coxcomb, fond, foppish.
    • LIGHTNESS, flashy, Freak, Levity, Petulance.

Our Outward carriage towards others

Our Outward carriage towards others, both Actions and Speeches, as to a Facility for Converse, together with our desires and endea∣vours by all honest wayes to please others, and care, not to offend them.

  • COURTESY, Comity, mannerliness, civility, affability, kindness, hu∣manity, gentle, fair, humane, benign, tractable, smooth.
    • FAWNING, Assentation, Adulation, obsequious, smooth, glavering, gloze, cogg, cajole, curry favour, collogue, wheedle, crouch, creep∣ing, scraping, flatter, sooth, clawing, Blandishment, Parasite, Sy∣cophant, Claw-back.
    • MOROSENESS, curst, crabbed, cynical, froward, churlish, uncivil, boisterous, rude, sullen, surly, unmannerly, hard to please, humor∣some, rough, harsh, sour, testy, snappish, dogged, currish, waspish, tetchy, wayward, peevish, pettish.

Our Words and Speeches; either in

More serious

More serious debates; making due allowances to others, affording them just liberty.

  • COMPLACENCY, Civility, smooth, soft, popular,
    • ASSENTATION, Flattery, glozing, soothing, fawning, mealy-mouth'd, trencher-friend.
    • MAGISTERIALNESS, Arrogance, Imperiousness, Lordliness, masterly, pedantical, rough, over-bear, Roister.
less serious

Less serious matters; by such honest mirth whereby Conversation is to be sweetned.

  • URBANITY, Facetiousness, Raillery, Drollery, jocular, jocund, merry, Conceit, Iest, Squib, Clinch, Quibble, Wagg.
    • SCVRRILITY, Buffoonry, Abusiveness, Pasquil, Zany, Vice.
    • RVSTICITY, Clownishness, boisterous, blunt, barbarous, rough, rude, Kerne, home-bred, Slouch, uncivil, unmannerly, dirty.

HOMILETICAL VERTUES whereby we are to regulate our Demeanour towards our SUPERIOURS, may be distinguished into such as are

More general; denoting the Habit of behaving our selves as we ought towards all in a superiour relation.

  • DUTIFULNESS, submissive.
  • VNDVTIFVLNESS, Sturdiness, stiff, untoward, untractable.


Subjecti; as Inferiours, and at a distance from them.

  • HUMILITY, Lowliness, abase, humble, gentle, submission, demisness.
  • PRIDE, Haughtiness, Loftiness, high-minded, Lordly, elate, stately, perk, self-conceit, arrogance, magisterialness, presumption, overween, puff up, look big.


  • REVERENCE, Honour, regard, respect, veneration, awe, dread, Worship.
  • IRREVERENCE, Petulance, Sauciness, malapert, perk, presumptuous.
  • RESPECT, Grace, Honour, deference, civility, esteem, observe, veil to.
  • DISREPECT, Dishonour, neglect, slighting, undervaluing, dis∣regard, vilifie.


  • SUBJECTION, Homage, Loyalty, Allegiance, at ones command, serve under.

Special; as

  • Governing.
    • LOYALTY, Allegiance, Fealty, Homage.
    • TREACHERY, betray, Traitor, disloyal.
  • Commanding.
    • OBEDIENCE, obsequious, observant, pliable, submissive, tra∣ctable, towardly, Conformity, follow, serve, be subject to.
    • DISOBEDIENCE, Contumacy, Obstinacy, refractory, self-willed, unruly, untoward, transgress, trespass, break, violate, take head, stiff-necked, wilful, masterless, restive.
  • Punishing; submitting to Justice, and suing for Mercy, or contr•.
    • SUBMISSION, give place to, give way, yield, resign, surren∣der, at discretion of.
    • CONTVMACY, Obstinacy, Self-will, stubborn, sullen, stiff, un∣tractable, wayward, stout, stiff-necked, refractory.

More general.

  • GRACIOUSNESS, Favour, Indulgence, gentle, kind, mild, serene, soft, benign, propitious.
  • HARSHNESS, Ruggedness, sourness, roughness.


Subjecti; in respect of our Superiority, from which we are ready upon occasion to yield and stoop down.

  • CONDESCENSION, deign, vouchsafe, bear with, suffer.
  • INSOLENCE, Magisterialness, imperiousness, roughness, strictness, stately, domineer, insult, swagger, Roister, Ruffian.


Objecti; as to Inferiors, in

place or gifts
  • AFFABILITY, Courtesie, gentleness, facil, fair, demeanour.
  • SVPERCILIOVSNESS, roughness, stern, sour, scornful, stately, surly, arrogant.
Authority; in

General; preserving such in their just rights, or invading of them.

  • PROTECTION, Shelter, defence, guard, patronage, refuge.

Special; as

  • Governing.
    • GOOD GOVERNANCE, Discipline, Regiment.
    • MALE-ADMINISTRATION, misgoverning, ill governance.
  • Commanding.
  • Punishing when one ought.
    • SEVERITY, strict.
    • FONDNESS, Indulgence, cocker, do•e, make much of, tender, chary.
  • Remitting, when there is just occasion.
    • CLEMENCY, Gentleness, favourableness, lenity, mildness.
    • AVSTERITY, stern, strict, inflexible, asperity, rigor, stiff, ri∣gid, harsh, sharp, tart, rough, crabbed.
  • conversation
    • external conversations
      • speaker + listener
        • conversation about qualities of an object or person
          • praise , appreciate , recommend
        • Conversation about actions
          • speaker being a commander , listener being a doer
            • command , instruct
          • speaker being a requester , listener being a doer
          • listener doubtfully being responsible for action by speaker
            • accuse , charge , blame
            • defend
          • speaker being responsible by himself
            • admit , confess , accept
    • Internal conversations
      • speaker + listener
        • speaker is either being
          • faithful
          • infidelity , cheat
        • listener assuming it either to be
          • truth
          • false
  • Communication
    • general name
      • converse , chat , communicate , talk , chit-chat
        • agree , concur
        • disagree , dispute , debate , argue
    • human communication
      • Reply , answer
      • interrogation
        • ask , question , inquire
    • mass communication
      • announce , broadcast
announce voice vibration around
answer open box with question in mouth
ask closed box with question in mouth
question open box with question
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  • en/conversations.txt
  • 2024/07/28 10:50
  • brahmantra