• That habitude of things whereby they may be said to have parts distinct and ca∣pable of division, or the general disposition of things either to Action or Passion. ,
    • AMBIGUOUS MEASURE , definite or indefinite measures of such
      • QUANTITY , Much, Deale, Mathematick.
      • QVALITY , Disposition, Endowment, indue, parts, qualification, manner, con∣dition, estate.
    • Their being▪ or not being what they are pretended to be.
      • GENUINENESS , right, arrant, rank, very, native, legitimate, true, currant.
      • S•VRIOVSNESS, mongrel, bastard, false, illegitimate, improper, adulterine, base, misbegot, sophisticated.
    • Measuring faculty being
Study or name Definite Measures Indefinite Measure
Calculus Change
Vector direction
Scalar Quantity
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  • en/construct_measures.txt
  • 2024/06/23 13:47
  • brahmantra