• जीवग्रंथ सूत्र दोष
    • based on sets
      • haploid ( 22+x , 22+y )
      • diploid ( 46 chromosomes - 44 + xx)
      • triploid ( 69 chromosomes)
      • teraploid ( 92 chromosomes )
      • polyploid
    • based on number of chromosomes in a particular pair
  • strands of knowledge material called as CHROMATIN
    • sex chromatin or barr body also called lyonization
      • inactive X chromosome
        • if two X chromosomes are present one becomes inactive
        • if three XXX are present - 2 barr bodies will be seen
  • knowledge material being grouped and arranged in the form of
    • आनुवंशिक रूप ( genotype / gender )
      • प्राकृतिक लिंग ( natural genotype / natural knowledge of body )
        • स्त्रीलिंग ( female genotype / knowledge of female)
        • पुल्लिंग ( male genotype / knowledge of male )
      • अप्राकृतिक ( unnatural / unnatural knowledge of body)
        • उभयलिंग ( bisexual)
        • अर्धस्त्रीलिंग ( half female )
        • अर्धपुरुषलिंग ( half male )
    • Based on ploidy or number of pairs
      • haploid
      • triploid
      • polyploid
      • द्विगणित (diploid)
    • Based on nature of pairs being similar or dissimilar
      • विषमयुग्मज (heterozygous)
        • विषमजात गुणसूत्र / लिंगिक गुणसूत्र (allosomes / Sex chromosome)
          • X - गुणसूत्र / स्त्रीलिङ्ग गुणसूत्र ( अ , इ , उ )
          • Y - गुणसूत्र / पुल्लिंग गुणसूत्र ( अ , इ , उ )
      • सम्युग्मक (homozygous)
        • समजात गुणसूत्र (Autosomes)
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  • en/chromosome_number.txt
  • 2024/07/31 10:14
  • brahmantra