

  • Chest
    • Breathing
      • RIBS
        • Elevation of ribs
          • fixed neck
            • first rib
              • scalenus anterior , scalenus medius
            • second rib
              • scalenus posterior
            • expiration
              • innermost intercostal
            • elevation and inspiration
              • levator costarum , serratus posterior superior
        • Inhalation
          • external intercostal
        • fixes rib
          • internal intercostal
          • 12 th rib
            • quadratus lumborum
        • ribs depression
          • transversus thoracis , serratus posterior inferior
      • scapula
          • Levator scapula ,
          • retraction
            • trapezius
        • Retraction
          • Rhomboideus
            • major and minor
        • pulling
          • anteriorly
            • pectoralis major
          • anteriorly and inferiorly
            • pectoralis minor
        • protraction and stabilization
          • serratus anterior
      • compression of abdomen
        • rectus abdominis , external oblique , internal oblique, transversus abdominis
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  • en/chest_muscles.txt
  • 2023/06/02 12:44
  • brahmantra