

Elevation of ribs scalene (anterior,medius,posterior) , serratus posterior superior
Depression of ribs internal intercostal , serratus posterior inferior
elevation of sternum Sternocleidomastoid
depression of sternum
elevation of diaphragm
depression of diaphragm

CHEST TENT ROOM (Chest wall)

This room has vertebra ( very strong bricks Made of concrete in the middle which has numerous holes for the passage of wires(nerves) and also holes for articulation with the bars and rods of the lateral walls of the room (ribs).

In the middle of the Front wall there is a large sword like strong steel plate called Excalibur to which all these rods called ribs attach.

The floor of this room is formed by the diaphragm.This floor is not flat and it has openings for the passage of structures coming and going through this room. This room acts like a subway station and also a major traffic control headquarters.

The roof of this room is connected above with the other station called the neck.

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  • en/chest-wall.txt
  • 2024/07/05 15:34
  • brahmantra