• Thinking that cell is a noun and its pronouns being I , WE , ME , US
    • I belonging to a Body having many others like ME that are called WE/US
    • MINE/MY I possess organelles
      • Organs called organelles
        • My lungs being Mitochondria
        • My Intestines being Endoplasmic reticulum
        • My brain being Nucleus for genes
        • My Liver being Vacuoles for storage
        • My skin being Cell membrane / cell wall
    • MYSELF being either
      • Good
        • Normal flora
      • Bad
        • Bacteria
        • Virus
        • Fungi
        • Parasite
    • MY parents being
      • Father as Sperm
      • Mother as ova
        • I being in the past as
          • Zygote
            • I became US as
              • embryonic cells
                • ectoderm
                • endoderm
                • mesoderm
          • Stem cells
        • US being in the Present as
          • Organ cells
    • I being either
      • Fat or increase in size
        • Cellular hypertrophy
      • Lean or thin
        • Atrophy
    • I doing my activities
      • Like
        • Pinocytosis , drinking , taking in water or minerals either through
          • channels
          • pores
        • Eating
          • phagocytosis
            • eating dead cells
          • Endocystosis
          • my food being either miniature form of
            • glucose as sweet food / fruit
            • amino acids protein food , pulses
            • fatty acids oils
        • Genetic Code being
          • Alphabets or patterns
            • sequence of alphabets being
              • proteins
              • neurotransmitters
    • US being either
      • Increased in population
        • tumour
        • Neoplasia
An analogy between the word and cell to describe the contents of cell as alphabets

Cell Fiction

cellular analogy Cellular process person analogy term
cell eats phagocytosis person eats ingestion
cell drinks pinocytosis person drinks drinking
cell vomits or discard exocytosis person vomits or egests emesis or egestion
cell swallows endocytosis person swallows swallowing
cell has sensors cellular receptors person has senses
cell has channels ion channels person has channels mouth,anus
cell has covering cell membrane person has covering skin
cell can die apoptosis or necrosis person can die suicide or old age
cell has life span cellular life span person has age age of person
cell can respire in cell uses oxygen person inhales inspiration
cell can respire out cell discards co2 person exhales expiration
cell can move diapedesis person can move walk
cells can float person can float swim
cells have environment extracellular fluids person has environment
cells can communicate intercellular communication personal communication talk , discuss, argue
cell has mother stem cell person has mother mother
cell can be sisters daughter cells person can be sisters daughters
cell has enemy person has enemy
cell can produce or secrete secretion person can invent or make industry
cells can store storage person can store or keep store or godowns or shop
cells can kill person can kill
human body has invaders infections country has invaders invasion
human body has borders police cells country has borders military
body cells can kill their own cells tumour cells , autoimmunity own military can kill their own people
body cells can kill their own cells hypersensitivity own military can kill their own people
cell uses energy person uses energy
cell stores energy person stores energy
cells can grow person can grow
cell uses weapon person uses weapon
cells can repair clot, frature healing,scar person can repair
cells can carry person can carry
cells can send messages hormones,neurotransmitter person can send messages email,post
body has passages artery,vein,intestines country has roads and streets
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  • en/cell_person_analogy_theory.txt
  • 2024/07/30 12:34
  • brahmantra