As we know cell is the structural and functional unit of life , cell is the basis for life . The cell is the smallest unit which is able to sustain life independently by interacting with environment and carrying put important processes of life .

What is a cell ? A cell or cyte is a word derived from greek = small room as its name implies it acts similarly to a small room where a person can sit or chat or do his regular activities or work . This is more of physiology and biochemistry so we will not discuss this in much detail because we can discuss it in biochemistry and physiology.

How to understand it ? Imagine a room in which u are sitting and present on all sides are walls, but there are some open spaces to enter which are without doors ,some are open spaces but are locked with doors. So inside of this room is called the internal environment and outside of room is external environment. Cell external environment is mainly formed of water which is called interstitial fluid , cell factory becomes an island which is surrounded on all sides by water..

The floor of the cell is like the cement floor formed by strong cytoskeleton which is similar to ground substance which is the soil which is always wet and muddy. Environment of cell is highly regulated (Ph = ionic composition(minerals and water),volume = volume of water,).Floor is the mucus with cells Mucosal surface. Sidewalls are the houses for exchange.


You must already know what traffic is and what makes you angry when you are driving on the road and the traffic does not let u pass , this is the most disturbing and most common situation we all get in to ,but the question is what is the process which keeps the traffic flow smoothly and timely , if the traffic does not flow smoothly or according to rules there is no other way but to get in to accident and eventually some unfortunate events or even death can occur.

We probably are not talking about the traffic on the road right now but we are discussing the traffic of substances which flows through the canals and pipes of our human body system , here we are talking about the traffic or air , gases , water and other solid materials. The traffic object can be anything a microorganism to a worm or an inanimate object .

You must have heard the phrase one way road or traffic , to avoid accidents and unfortunate events we follow one direction at a time similarly our human body also follows such rules such as expiration and inspiration , ingestion and vomiting ,supply and collection etc.

These are like main roads and the sub-routes or small roads connect to the main road ultimately leading to the final destination. These roads are connected either in parallel or series connection sometimes any break in the road can occur , at some places there are gates to prevent the rapid flow / push the forward traffic , sometimes block of roads can occur these are the common incidents we usually see in our daily life while travelling on roads.

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  • en/cell_house_analogy_theory.txt
  • 2024/07/30 12:34
  • brahmantra