HEARTLAND:- This land has 4 corner square of land,in which left upper and left down are connected via roads and right upper and right down are connected via roads.then the right down is a one way road to lung land and if one starts his journey to lung land he would reach the heartland in left upper square piece of land.This heart land has many stories and legends associated with it like the CHAMBER OF SECRETS(four burglar friends).both the upper corner square piece of land acts as the relay for the lower corner square piece of land so that the traffic may stop for sometime and to make sure every vehicle reaches its destination in correct time.upper corner squares can be regarded as the entrance to the heartland and the lower corner squares can be an exit to the heartland.any traffic which will enter the heartland will enter through upper corner squares and any traffic which will leave heartland will leave through lower corner squares.they are all connected in series one after another.The left and right sides of the heart are named from a dorsal view, i.e., looking at the heart from the back or from the perspective of the person whose heart it is. There are four chambers in a heart: an atrium (upper) and a ventricle (lower) on both the left and right sides.

  • Heart: Pump City, Rhythmville
  • Heart: The Power Core, the Pump
  • Blood Vessels: Pipelines, Conduits
    • VenaCorp: A combination of vena (vein) and corporation.
      • Blueways, Return Roads
    • Arteria Logistics: Combining artery with logistics.
      • Highspeeds, Redways
    • VitaFlow: Suggests the flow of life (vita) through the body.
    • OxyGen: A direct reference to the primary function.
    • NutriNet: A combination of nutrient and network.
    • Circulus: Latin for circle, referencing the circulatory system.
  • Blood: Life Fluid, Vital Cargo
  • Large Blood Vessels (Highways)
    • Aorta: The Mainline, the Arterial
    • Pulmonary Artery: Lung Lane, Airway
    • Vena Cava: Return Route, Main Drain
    • Renal Artery/Vein: Kidney Corridor, Filter Freeway
  • Medium Blood Vessels (Major Roads)
    • Coronary Arteries: Heart Hub, Vital Drive
    • Mesenteric Arteries: Gut Road, Digest Drive
    • Hepatic Artery/Vein: Liver Lane, Detox Drive
    • Subclavian Arteries: Shoulder Street, Arm Avenue
  • Small Blood Vessels (Local Roads)
    • Arterioles: Branch Roads, Feeders
    • Venules: Drain Lanes, Collector Streets
    • Capillaries: Alleyways, Micro Lanes


हर जमीन में इमारतें होती हैं। कुछ इमारतों को घर कहा जाता है और कुछ को दूसरे नामों से पुकारा जाता है और घरों में कमरे होते हैं। इसलिए माइक्रोकिरकुलेशन पेटलैंड सेल (व्यक्तियों के साथ कमरे) के लिए सड़क को संदर्भित करता है, प्रत्येक व्यक्ति परिवहन प्रणाली के माध्यम से भोजन और पानी प्राप्त करता है, इसी तरह प्रत्येक कोशिका रक्त परिसंचरण से भोजन प्राप्त करती है। विनिमय बिंदु सभी प्रकार की भूमि में मौजूद होते हैं। यह बिंदु कार्य करता है उस बिंदु के रूप में जहां हृदयभूमि से सड़कें भूमि के कमरों के साथ अपनी सामग्री का आदान-प्रदान करती हैं। केशिका विनिमय बिंदु = केशिकाओं के प्रकार। each cell and its envrionment can be referred to as a factory.

  • ALVEOLITRADEPOINT - situated in the lungland are many Alveoli-Tradepoints.
  • GLOMERULUSCHECKPOINT - situated in the kidneyland.
  • VILLITRADEPOINT - Situated in the intestinefoodmill

Whether it is a checkpoint or a food-mill every land requires person in order to operate, so whether it is alveoli or villus or glomerulus, it requires cells to function.

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