ACE INHIBITORS - ends in pril ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR BLOCKER- ends in sartan -dipine = calcium channel blocker nitr-, -nitr- = nitrate/vasodilator -olol = beta antagonist -oxin = cardiac glycoside CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER - ends in dipine DIRECT ACTING VASODILATORS - starts with nitro CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES - starts with dig

nimodipine - nimalyze (dipine— WORDS HAVING DI-IN THEM CAUSE VASODILATION) Diltiazem - (dil - dilation ) - verapamil - clonidine - catapres (cat pressure - alpha-2 agonist ) nifedipine - calcan (calcium channel blocker) propranolol - inderal,hemangeol … classified as a non-cardioselective sympatholytic beta blocker that crosses the blood–brain barrier. It is lipid soluble and also has sodium channel blocking effects. Propranolol is a non-selective beta blocker; that is, it blocks the action of epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) at both β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors. It has little intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, but has strong membrane stabilizing activity (only at high blood concentrations, e.g. overdose) labetalol - gravidol, nadolol - corgard (cor - heart - guard) esmolol - breviblock(beta-blocker) - cardioselective beta1 receptor blocker with rapid onset, a very short duration of action, and no significant intrinsic sympathomimetic(rather it blocks sympathetic receptors) or membrane stabilising activity at therapeutic dosages. CLASS II atenolol - tenormin (tension normal - Used for hypertension),Atenolol is a selective β1 receptor antagonist, metoprolol - lopressor (low pressure)…. selective β1 receptor blocker type.

  beta-1 selective,moderately lipophilic,without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity,with weak membrane stabilizing activity

carvedilol a non - selective beta blocker with antioxidant

rythmodan or norpace - disopyramide.

calcium channel blocker - tablet Stamlo(Amlodipine), Angiplat has Glyceryl Trinitrate in it, which is an active ingredient in this drug and prevents as well as treats the chest pain connected with angina (A condition in which blood supply becomes restricted because of restriction in the heart muscles). ivabard(ivabradine) is a cardiotonic agent prescribed for angina pectoris

antihypertensive drugs - drugs which are used to lower the blood pressure are CARDIVAS(CARVEDILOL) it is a alpha and a beta blocker. LABETALOL - Normodyne– it is used in case of severe hypertension,it can also be used in pregnancy induced hypertension.

Stamlo (Amlodipine) is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) and to treat angina (chest pain). TELMA(telmisartan) is a angiotensin receptor blocker (ARBs), prescribed for hypertension. met-xl(METOPROLOL) - it is a drug used to treat hypertension or high blood pressure.

alprostadil - prostaglandins for patent ductus arteriosus

amiodarone - cordarone or nexterone or pacerone(pace maintainer) - ventricular tachycardia treatment - class 3

nitrates - nitro -dur or nitro - time ( dur = dilator)

Atrial Arrhythmias X normal sinus rhythm Arrythmia (disorder) x anti arrythmic agents Anticoagulants (to decrease coagulation) x normal coagulants of blood Beta blockers x normal heart rate by beta receptors (adrenergic) Calcium channel blockers decrease contraction x increased contraction AV Conduction delayed more x normal av conduction or dromotropic

ABCDE is the mnemonic ( called the rule of regularity )

Anticoagulants: To prevent embolization .Beta blockers: To block the effects of certain hormones on the heart to slow the heart rate. Calcium Channel Blockers: Help slow the heart rate by blocking the number of electrical impulses that pass through the AV node into the lower heart chambers (ventricles). Digoxin: Helps slow the heart rate by blocking the number of electrical impulses that pass through the AV node into the lower heart chambers (ventricles). Electrocardioversion: A procedure in which electric currents are used to reset the heart's rhythm back to regular pattern

Methyldopa: side effects METHYLDOPA: Mental retardation Electrolyte imbalance Tolerance Headache/ Hepatotoxicity psYcological upset Lactation in female Dry mouth Oedema Parkinsonism Anaemia (haemolytic)

Captopril (an ACE inhibitor): side effects CAPTOPRIL: Cough Angioedema/ Agranulocystosis Proteinuria/ Potassium excess Taste changes Orthostatic hypotension Pregnancy contraindication/ Pancreatitis/ Pressure drop (first dose hypertension) Renal failure (and renal artery stenosis contraindication)/ Rash Indomethacin inhibition Leukopenia/ Liver toxicity

CHF Treatment X normal heart function (pump blood) Pump failure (congested traffic ) x pump function ( traffic exit) Zero traffic exit (100 percent input ) x cardiac output LMNOP ( start moving traffic from left heart order LMNOP rule ) Lasix x antidiuretics Morphine (analgesic ) x pain inducer like prostaglandins - algia (pain) Nitrites x Oxygen x VassoPressors X vasodilators

Infarctions ( due to myocardial ischemia or decreased traffic flow causes infarction treated by mnemonic infarction (rule)..

INFARCTIONS is the mnemonic ( relief of symptoms) x Symptoms of disease (pulse IV access Narcotic analgesics (e.g. morphine, pethidine) x pain (P) Facilities for defibrillation (DF) x fibrillation (Aspirin/ Anticoagulant (heparin) x coagulation Rest x sweating or restlessness Converting enzyme inhibitor x enzyme inducer Thrombolysis(reduce clot size ) x normal clot formation increased IV beta blocker x beta receptor agonist increases heart rate Oxygen 60% Nitrates x Stool Softeners

Atrial fibrillation: causes of new onset X bradycardia THE ATRIAL FIBS: (nearby threats which combine to form the name of the danger called as ATRIAL FIBS)

Thyroid x hyperthyroidism Hypothermia x hyperthermia Embolism (P.E.) x anti .. Coagulants Alcohol x Trauma (cardiac contusion) x Recent surgery (post CABG) Ischemia x normal blood flow or hyperemia Atrial enlargement x atrial atrophy or hypoplasia Lone or idiopathic Fever, anemia, high-output states x Infarct Bad valves (mitral stenosis) x Stimulants (cocaine, theo, amphet, caffeine)

ST elevation causes in ECG X ST depression(Threats which contribute to abnormal filling of traffic in ventricles during relaxation or tension state is defined by danget called elevation …. )ELEVATION:

Electrolytes x LBBB x Early repolarization x late repolarization Ventricular hypertrophy x Aneurysm(dilatation) x constriction or stenosis Treatment (e.g. pericardiocentesis) x Injury (AMI, contusion) Osborne waves (hypothermia) x hyperthermia Non-occlusive vasospasm x

Supraventricular tachycardia: treatment x bradycardia ABCDE:( rule of regularity treatment applies here) Adenosine Beta-blocker x beta receptor agonist Calcium channel antagonist x calcium channel inducer(contraction) Digoxin Excitation (vagal stimulation)

Ventricular tachycardia: treatment LAMB: Lidocaine(membrne stabilizer) x sodium channel opener (membrane dynamic change) Amiodarone x potassium channel opener(increased excitability) Mexiltene/ Magnesium Beta-blocker

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