Entities and Attributes

    • DiseaseID (Primary Key) - (PAGE LEVEL - ALPHABETIC CODE LEVEL)
    • DiseaseName ( NAME LEVEL )
    • Symptoms
    • Causes
    • TreatmentMethods
    • Prognosis
    • AnatomyID (Primary Key)
    • AnatomyName
    • Description
    • Location
    • Function
    • RelatedDiseases
    • InvestigationID (Primary Key)
    • InvestigationName
    • Description
    • Purpose
    • Procedure
    • ResultsInterpretation
    • RelatedDiseases
    • RelatedAnatomy
    • DrugID (Primary Key)
    • DrugName
    • GenericName
    • ChemicalFormula
    • Dosage
    • SideEffects
    • Indications
    • Contraindications
    • RelatedDiseases
  • 5. Technique
    • TechniqueID (Primary Key)
    • TechniqueName
    • Description
    • Purpose
    • Procedure
    • RelatedDiseases
    • RelatedAnatomy

Relationships Between Entities:

  • Disease-Anatomy: Many-to-Many (A disease can affect multiple anatomies, and an anatomy can be affected by multiple diseases)
  • Disease-Investigation: Many-to-Many (A disease can have multiple investigations, and an investigation can be used for multiple diseases)
  • Disease-Drug: Many-to-Many (A disease can be treated by multiple drugs, and a drug can treat multiple diseases)
  • Disease-Technique: Many-to-Many (A disease can be diagnosed or treated using multiple techniques, and a technique can be used for multiple diseases)
  • Investigation-Anatomy: Many-to-Many (An investigation can be performed on multiple anatomies, and an anatomy can be the subject of multiple investigations)
  • Drug-Anatomy: Many-to-Many (A drug can affect multiple anatomies, and an anatomy can be affected by multiple drugs)
  • Technique-Anatomy: Many-to-Many (A technique can be performed on multiple anatomies, and an anatomy can be the subject of multiple techniques)
  • Concept: Represents a medical concept (e.g., disease, procedure, anatomical site). Each concept has a unique identifier (concept ID) and a preferred term.
  • Description: Provides a textual representation of a concept (e.g., heart attack). A concept can have multiple descriptions in different languages and contexts.
  • Relationship: Defines the semantic relationship between two concepts (e.g., is a part of, is associated with). Relationships have a type (e.g., isa, is_a_finding_of) and a direction.


  • Create a root page: This page will represent the top-level of the SNOMED CT hierarchy.
  • Create child pages: For each concept, create a child page of the root page or another concept page. The page title can be the preferred term of the concept.
  • Use headings: Use headings (e.g., == Concept Name ==) to represent the concept name.
  • Add descriptions: Add the concept's descriptions below the heading.
  • Link concepts: Use internal links (e.g., Concept Name) to link related concepts.
  • Represent relationships: To represent relationships, you can use a table or a list format. For example:


Heart Attack
  • Description: A condition in which the blood supply to the heart is interrupted.


  • Drug Name
    • Drug class and Drug source
  • Mechanism of action
    • Pharmacokinetics
      • Route of Administration
    • Pharmacodynamics
  • Drug Interactions
  • Side Effects
  • Therapeutic Uses
  • Microbe name
    • Microbial class
  • Microbial mechanism of action or pathogenesis
    • Microbial structure
    • Toxins
  • Microbial investigation and laboratory diagnosis
  • Treatment and Management
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  • en/biology_listbase.txt
  • 2024/09/11 17:49
  • brahmantra