• Behaviour
  • good behaviour
  • bad behaviour
  • normal behaviour
  • rude behaviour
  • Behavioural arrows + behaviouring body part
    • Behaviours of hand
    • Behaviours of legs
    • Behaviours of Eyes
  • saying namaste, hello
  • greetings
  • bowing down
  • temper tantrums
  • breath holding spells
  • enuresis or bed wetting
  • nail biting
abide , obey , follow
punctual , ontime , timely , perfectionist attitude , strict , habits
disobey , misbehave , bad habits
rude , vulgar , informal
polite , formal
split personality ,
attitude , profession , mood , personality , behaviour
deceive , cheat ,
leave , abandon , forsake , banish , abdicate , relinquish
try , practice , persistence , perseverence , diligence , compete , chase ,
reject , ignore , deny , refuse , dismiss , neglect
value , self - respect , dignity , honor , Self-esteem , morality
accept , confess ,


* Behaviour - humble, rude, polite, vulgar, punctual , obedient , proudful , shameful

humble tapeinos humilis
rude agenis rude आशिष्ठ
polite evgenikos urbanum सभ्य
vulgar chydaios vulgaris असभ्य
punctual akrivis punctual समयनिष्ठ
obedient ypakous obediens आज्ञाकारी
proud yperifanos superbus गर्व
ashamed ntropiasmenos pudet शर्मिंदा
    • accident proneness
    • adolescent behavior
      • infant behavior
    • codependency (psychology)
    • drinking behavior
      • alcohol drinking
    • escape reaction
    • exploratory behavior
    • feeding behavior
    • harm reduction
    • health behavior
      • patient compliance
      • self-examination
        • breast self-examination
      • treatment refusal
    • imitative behavior
    • impulsive behavior
      • compulsive behavior
        • behavior, addictive
    • inhibition (psychology)
      • proactive inhibition
      • reactive inhibition
    • motor activity
      • freezing reaction, cataleptic
      • immobility response, tonic
    • personal satisfaction
    • reproductive behavior
      • contraception behavior
    • risk reduction behavior
    • risk-taking
      • gambling
    • self stimulation
    • stereotyped behavior
    • sucking behavior
    • tobacco use cessation
      • smoking cessation
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  • en/behaviour.txt
  • 2024/08/12 06:08
  • brahmantra