

  • Anal canal
  • Introduction
  • Length and direction
    • 3.8 cm long
    • anorectal junction to anus
      • anorectal junction marked by
    • direction
      • downward and backward
    • surrounded by sphincters
    • external opening
      • anus
        • 4cm below coccyx
          • in cleft between buttock
        • contains ring of apocrine glands
  • Relations
    • Anterior
      • perineal body
      • males
        • membranous urethra and bulb of penis
      • females
        • lower end of vagina
    • Posterior
      • anococcygeal ligament
      • tip of coccyx
    • Laterally
      • ischio-anal fossa
    • All around
      • sphincter muscles
  • interior of anal canal
    • Upper part ( 15 mm long )
      • mucous membrane lining derived from endoderm
        • 6-10 vertical ridges called
        • lower end unite to form
          • anal valves
            • together form a transverse line opposite internal anal sphincter
              • pectinate/dentate line
            • shows epithelial projections called
              • anal papilla
        • above each valve is a depression
          • anal sinus
            • contains anal glands
              • peculiar smell in lower animals to attract
    • Middle part ( 15mm long ) or Anal transition zone or pecten
      • mucous membrane
        • no anal columns
        • bluish appearance
          • dense venous plexus
        • lower limit has a whitish appearance
          • white line of hilton , Anocutaneous line Hiltoni
            • interval between
              • subcutaneous part of external anal sphincter
              • internal anal sphincter
          • marks lower limit of pecten
            • stratified squamous epithelium
              • thin , pale , devoid of sweat glands
    • Lower part ( 8mm long )
      • lined by true skin
        • sebaceous glands
        • sweat glands
        • epithelium is of pigmented skin
  • Musculature
    • anal sphincters
      • Internal anal sphincter
        • involuntary
      • Intersphincteric groove
      • External anal sphincter
        • parts
          • Deep part
          • Superficial part
          • Subcutaneous part
        • control
        • fiber
          • uppermost fibers
            • puborectalis
          • middle fibers
            • internal anal sphincter
          • lower fiber
    • conjoint longitudinal coat
      • formed by fusion of
        • puborectalis with longitudinal muscle coat of rectum
      • lies between
        • external and internal anal sphincter
      • becomes
        • fibroelastic at level of white line
        • breaks up in to number of fibroelastic septa
          • spread out fan wise
          • corrugator cutis ani
          • most lateral part forms
            • peri anal fascia
          • most medial part forms
            • intermuscular septum
    • Anorectal ring
      • muscular ring
        • at anorectal junction
      • formed by fusion of
        • puborectalis
        • uppermost fibers of
          • external anal sphincter
          • internal anal sphincter
    • Surgical spaces
      • Perianal space
        • surround anal canal below white line
        • contains
          • lower fibers of external sphincter
          • external rectal venous plexus
        • clinical
          • pus in this space
            • spreads to anal canal at white line
            • or surface of perineal skin
      • Submucous Space
        • Lies above white line
          • between mucous membrane and internal sphincter
        • contains
          • internal rectal venous plexus
          • lymphatics
    • Arterial Supply
    • Venous drainage
    • Lymphatic drainage
    • Control
      • nerve supply
        • above pectinate line
        • below pectinate line
        • sphincters
    • Histology
      • Rectum
      • Anal canal
  • Anorectal flexure; perineal flexure
  • Anorectal junction
  • Pectinate line
  • Anal pecten
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  • en/anus.txt
  • 2024/08/30 12:35
  • brahmantra