Anatomy Antonyms

  • Right heart x left heart
  • Right atrium x left atrium
  • Right ventricle x left ventricle
  • Inspiration x expiration
  • Fire extinguisher (carbon dioxide) x fire producer(oxygen)
  • Right eye x left eye
  • Right ear x left ear
  • Right half of nose x left half of nose
  • Right lung x left lung
  • Ascending colon x descending colon
  • Right brain x left brain
  • right radius x left radius
  • Right leg x left leg
  • Right hemisphere x left hemisphere
  • Front face x back face
  • Left face x right face
  • Upward facing x downward facing
  • Clockwise rotation x anticlock wise rotation
  • Vertical axis x horizontal axis
  • Vertical vertebra x horizontal diaphragm
  • Vertical spinal cord x horizontal spinal nerves
  • Vertical corticospinal tracts x horizontal corpus callosum or association fibres
  • Central x peripheral
  • Parallel planes x perpendicular planes
  • Cranial x caudal
  • Cranial mouth x caudal anus
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  • en/anatomy_antonyms.txt
  • 2024/02/22 16:05
  • brahmantra