BRAINLAND:- The brainland has most complicated and sophisticated design in all the human body , because no human can create such a complex and sophisticated building some people believe it was the creation of the god like aliens who built this and left this at the hands of the citizens but one thing you should know that brainland is not entirely in our control we can control only 50 percent of the brainland and the rest is controlled by the workers of god or aliens who built this thing.

I am just kidding this all alien and god part is a part of logical story but in reality we donot even know how did we come in to existence this is just a process of life and life is playing its game very well that no one can win over life and everytime a player enters the game of life either he is dead or he gets injured learning a lesson of life , but some people have tried cheating with life and winning the game of life where the life god loses the game and we become immortal , but that would take about a 200 yrs to solve this riddle ..

Let us focus on our brainland , how does it work actually what are the buildings and construction that make it work like a machine.

  • Arch shaped headquarters like cereberum and limbic system
  • Arch shaped offices includes the basalgangliaoffice , fornix office
  • Square shaped office like thalamus and hypothalamus
  • The tree shaped office called cerebellum
  • The one bodyworld tower building which has midbrain (top floor ) , pons (middle floor) , medulla (the lower floor) and the spinal cord(the lowest building with multiple floors).
  • Then there are the two wiregrid Called spinalwiregrid and cranialwire grid
  • Sense organ buildings like the oculus tower , the ear temple , the nose pyramid and the mouth cave.

Brainland psychology department

In the anatomyland brain wanted everyone to be happy rich and healthy but some organs become greedy which leads to certain disorders and diseases. These are the rules of anatomyland.

Brain ordered everyone to seek happiness and then first turn was for respiratory system respiratory system found happiness by breathing fresh air and wind , while stomach found happiness by eating it's delicious and tasty food and then heart found happiness by helping others and sexual and genital organs found happiness by having sex mixed with lust .

  • Every organs has its own desires and needs which has to be fulfilled if their wishes are not fulfilled it leads to sadness , anger
  • Every organ has its own ability or potential to perform its function
  • Every organ has its own likes and dislikes and they love some objects while they hate some other objects
  • Every organ has its own way of keeping calm and maintaining peace
  • Every organ has its own protectors who kill and judge who commit crimes in the anatomyland like virus , microbes and parasites

Senses find pleasure by listening to music , watching movies and plays , singing , dancing , laughing

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  • en/anatomianland_psychoscape.txt
  • 2024/07/30 14:08
  • brahmantra