• Earth is the book of atoms
    • zero level
      • atoms
    • first level
      • alphabets of earth are categorized on the basis of combinations
        • based on the composition
          • organic containing carbon alphabet ( organic alphabet = carbon )
            • organic words containing inorganic alphabets
          • inorganic without the alphabet of carbon ( inorganic alphabets are all others)
            • inorganic words are inorganic compounds
            • inorganic sentences
      • based on quality of earth alphabets
        • solid
        • liquid
        • gas
    • second level
      • words of earth
        • liquid words
        • gaseous words
          • oxygen , nitrogen , carbon dioxide
        • solid words present in chapter of land
    • third level called sentence
    • fourth level called paragraph
    • fifth level called chapter
    • sixth level called page
    • seventh level called charts
      • tissue formed by combining pages
    • eighth level called layered charts for rooms
      • organs called rooms of paper
      • pipes of paper
    • chart of body
  • first level as presence of individual particles called
    • atom consists of
      • neutron
      • proton
      • electrons
        • Atoms are divided on the basis of electrons and its atomic weight ( earth + alphabets )
          • metallic atoms or elements
          • radioisotopes
  • Second level being the matter
    • molecules ( acronyms - little words )
    • based on presence of carbon
      • organic matter
        • biomolecules
      • inorganic matter
  • Earth is the book of atoms
    • zero level
      • atoms
    • first level
      • alphabets of earth are categorized on the basis of combinations
        • based on the composition
          • organic containing carbon alphabet ( organic alphabet = carbon )
            • organic words containing inorganic alphabets
          • inorganic without the alphabet of carbon ( inorganic alphabets are all others)
            • inorganic words are inorganic compounds
            • inorganic sentences

Invisible parts in the sense indicates that the objects which cannot be seen with our naked eye. They are either

  • General
    • Atom
      • Subatomic Particles
        • quarks
  • Particular
  • अणु ( atom )
    • अणु + अक्षर ( alphabets)
      • अक्षराणु ( elements / atomic species )
    • अनवंश / अन्याणु ( sub-atomic )
    • परमाणु
      • biomolecules ( जीवशब्दाणु )
    • अक्षराणु ( elements / atomic species )
    • अक्षरण्ड
  • शब्द ( word )
    • शब्दाणु ( molecules )
      • biomolecules ( जीवशब्दाणु )
        • शब्दकोष्ठ / कोष्ठाणु / शब्दण्ड ( cell - life particle )
        • सूक्ष्म शब्द
          • carbohydrates
          • fats
          • proteins
    • वाक्यण्ड ( paragraph )
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  • en/analogical_nomenclature.txt
  • 2024/03/29 10:44
  • brahmantra