• Abdominal wall
    • Anterior Abdominal wall
      • Skin
        • linea albicans
        • umbilicus
          • watershed
            • lymphatic and venous drainage
          • portocaval anastomosis
            • caput medusa
      • Superficial Fascia
        • below umbilicus
          • superficial fatty layer ( fascia of camper )
            • in penis it is devoid of fat
            • in scrotum replaced by dartos muscle
          • deep membranous layer ( fascia of scarpa )
            • continuous with superficial fascia of perineum
              • colle's fascia
                • prevents urine from ruptured urethra
              • attached to
            • median plane it is thickened to
              • suspensory and fundiform ligament of penis and clitoris
            • contains
              • cutaneous nerve
                • lower 5 intercostal nerves
                  • lower six thoracic nerves
                  • first lumbar nerve
                  • anterior cutaneous nerves
                  • subcostal nerve
                  • iliohypogastric nerve
                  • t7-t12
              • cutaneous vessels
                • anterior cutaneous artery
                • superficial inguinal vein drains in to
                  • great saphenous vein
              • deep vessels
                • superior epigastric and musculophrenic
                • inferior epigastric
                  • cremasteric branch to spermatic cord
                  • pubic branch
                • deep circumflex iliac
        • fascia transversalis
          • anteriorly -
          • posteriorly -
          • superiorly
          • inferiorly
      • muscles
        • external oblique
        • internal oblique
        • transversus abdominis
        • rectus abdominis
        • Actions
          • support for abdominal viscera
            • against gravity
          • expulsive acts
            • micturition , defecation , parturition , vomiting
          • forceful expiratory acts
            • coughing , sneezing , blowing , shouting
          • movements of trunk
            • flexion
            • lateral flexion
            • rotation
      • ligaments
        • inguinal ligament or poupart's ligament
      • cremaster muscle and conjoint tendon
        • conjoint tendon or falx inguinalis
          • formed by fusion of aponeurotic fibres of
            • internal oblique and transversus muscles
        • cremaster muscle
            • to suspend testis and elevate it
          • cremasteric reflex
            • reflex contraction upon stroking
          • supplied by genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
      • pyramidalis muscle
        • anterior wall
          • complete
        • posterior wall
          • incomplete
        • laterally anterior and posterior wall extend
          • linea semilunaris
        • fusion in midline
          • linea alba
          • above costal margin
            • anterior wall - external oblique aponeurosis
            • posterior wall -
              • deficient - directly on 5th , 6th and 7th costal cartilage
          • between costal margin and arcuate line
            • anterior wall
            • posterior wall
          • below arcuate line
            • anterior wall
              • aponeurosis of all 3 muscles
            • posterior wall - on fascia transversalis
        • CONTENT
          • rectus abdominis muscle
          • pyramidalis
          • vessels
            • superior and inferior epigastric artery and vein
    • Posterior Abdominal wall

ant-abd-wall-3.jpg anterior-abd-wall-2.jpg anterior-abdominal-wall.jpg



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  • en/abdominal-wall.txt
  • 2024/07/05 15:35
  • brahmantra