

  • cylinder
  • voyage
  • 1.volume of a cylinder =
  • 2.surface area of a cylinder
  • 3.length of the tube and volume of a tube like blood vessel …
  • Above ground; ‖ over the Water: or over dry Land.
    • BRIDGE, Pontage.
    • SCAFFOLD, Stage.
  • Vpon the ground; denoting ‖ a paved passage betwixt Buildings: to which may be annexed the more general term of the passage place.
    • STREET, Piazza, Lane, Ally.
    • WAY, Rode, Causway, Course, Avenue, convey, egress, Ally, Path, Pass∣age.
  • Vnder ground.
    • For Persons.
      • VAULT, Grott.
    • For Water; ‖ useful: or superfluous.
      • AQUAEDUCT, Conduit, Water-course.
      • SINK, Sewer, Kennel.
  • passages used for transportation in real world
    • road , street , highway
  • general names for which are
    • canal , meatus , fistula , shunt , sinus , tube , gullet , tract , pipe
    • canaliculi , tubules , ductules ,
    • road , street
  • Passages present inside human body
  • macroscopic passages
  • Microscopic passages
  • Abnormal passages found inside human body as a pathological passages
  • Types of fistula
    • 1.tracheoesophageal fistula
    • 2.branchial fistula
    • 3.rectovaginal fistula
    • 4.rectovesical fistula
    • 5.uterovesical fistula
  • Shunt
  • Sinus
  • auletes
  • aulos
  • infundibulum
  • isthmus
  • meatus
  • 3.रासता,गली,नाली,धमनी,शिरा,मार्ग,पथ ..

B = bronchium , bar , bone D = duct F = fistula G = gullet I = isthmus M = meatus , मार्ग, Types of shunt 1.when there is no blood supply but there is ventilation hence v/q = 0 2.transjugular intrahepatic shunt Types of anastomosis 1.surgical anastomosis or connections like connecting esophagus to intestine directly by removing stomach

  • of body parts
    • artery
    • vein
    • lymph vessel
    • blood vessel
  • 1.the secret passage
  • 2.the secret route
  • 3.the secret road to hell
  • 4.the secret
  • 5.road number 123
  • 6.national highway 11
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  • en/3d_modular_passages.txt
  • 2024/07/16 06:21
  • brahmantra