

liver-inferior-2.jpg liver-inferior-impression.jpg liver-inferior.jpg liver-inside_cadaver.jpeg

Five surfaces



Peritoneal relations

Visceral Relations

Anterior surface

Posterior surface

Superior surface

Inferior surface

Right surface


    • Diaphragmatic surface
      • Superior part
        • Cardiac impression
      • Anterior part
      • Right part
      • Posterior part
      • Bare area
        • Groove for vena cava
        • Fissure for ligamentum venosum
        • Ligamentum venosum Arantii
    • Visceral surface
      • Fossa for gallgladder
      • Fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for round ligament
        • Round ligament of the liver
      • Porta hepatis
      • Omental tuberosity
      • Oesophageal impression
      • Gastric impression
      • Duodenal impression
      • Colic impression
      • Renal impression
      • Suprarenal impression
      • Inferior border
        • Notch for ligamentum teres
    • Right lobe of liver
    • Left lobe of liver
      • Fibrous appendix of liver
    • Quadrate lobe
    • Caudate lobe
      • Papillary process
      • Caudate process
    • Hepatic segmentation
      • Umbilical fissure
      • Main portal fissure
      • Right portal fissure
      • Left liver; left part of liver
        • Left lateral division
          • Left posterior lateral segment; segment II
          • Left anterior lateral segment; segment III
        • Left medial division
          • Left medial segment; segment IV
        • Posterior liver; posterior part of liver; caudate lobe
          • Posterior sgment; caudate lobe; segment I
      • Right liver; right part of liver
        • Right medial division
          • Anterior medial segment; segment V
          • Posterior medial segment; segment VIII
        • Right lateral division
          • Anterior lateral segment; segment VI
          • Posterior lateral segment; segment VII
    • Serosa; serous coat
    • Subserosa; subserous layer
    • Fibrous capsule
    • Perivascular fibrous capsule
    • Lobules of liver
    • Interlobular arteries
    • Interlobular veins
    • Central veins
    • Interlobular bile ducts
    • Common hepatic duct
      • Right hepatic duct
        • Anterior branch
        • Posterior branch
      • Left hepatic duct
        • Lateral branch
        • Medial branch
      • Right duct of caudate lobe
      • Left duct of caudate lobe
  • Fundus of gallbladder
  • Infundibulum of gallbladder
  • Body of gallbladder
  • Neck of gallbladder
  • Serosa; serous coat
  • Subserosa; subserous layer
  • Muscular layer; muscular coat
  • Mucosa; mucous membrane
    • Mucosal folds; rugae
  • Cystic duct
    • Spiral fold
  • Bile duct
    • Sphincter of bile duct
    • Superior sphincter
    • Inferior sphincter
    • Hepatopancreatic ampulla; biliaropancreatic ampulla
    • Sphincter of ampulla Oddi
    • Glands of bile duct
Facies diaphragmatica Diaphragmatic surface
Pars superior Superior part
Impressio cardiaca Cardiac impression
Pars anterior Anterior part
Pars dextra Right part
Pars posterior Posterior part
Area nuda Bare area
Sulcus venae cavae Groove for vena cava
Fissura ligamenti venosi Fissure for ligamentum venosum
Lig. venosum Arantii Ligamentum venosum Arantii
Facies visceralis Visceral surface
Fossa vesicae biliaris; fossa vesicae felleae Fossa for gallgladder
Fissura ligamenti teretis Fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for round ligament
Lig. teres hepatis Round ligament of the liver
Porta hepatis Porta hepatis
Tuber omentale Omental tuberosity
Impressio oesophagealis Oesophageal impression
Impressio gastrica Gastric impression
Impressio duodenalis Duodenal impression
Impressio colica Colic impression
Impressio renalis Renal impression
Impressio suprarenalis Suprarenal impression
Margo inferior Inferior border
Incisura ligamenti teretis Notch for ligamentum teres
Lobus hepatis dexter Right lobe of liver
Lobus hepatis sinister Left lobe of liver
Appendix fibrosa hepatis Fibrous appendix of liver
Lobus quadratus Quadrate lobe
Lobus caudatus Caudate lobe
Processus papillaris Papillary process
Processus caudatus Caudate process
Segmentatio hepatis Hepatic segmentation
Fissura umbilicalis Umbilical fissure
Fissura portalis principalis Main portal fissure
Fissura portalis dextra Right portal fissure
Pars hepatis sinistra Left liver; left part of liver
Divisio lateralis sinistra Left lateral division
Segmentum posterius laterale sinistrum; segmentum II Left posterior lateral segment; segment II
Segmentum anterius laterale sinistrum; segmentum III Left anterior lateral segment; segment III
Divisio medialis sinistra Left medial division
Segmentum mediale sinistrum; segmentum IV Left medial segment; segment IV
Pars posterior hepatis; lobus caudatus Posterior liver; posterior part of liver; caudate lobe
Segmentum posterius; lobus caudatus; segmentum I Posterior sgment; caudate lobe; segment I
Pars hepatis dextra Right liver; right part of liver
Divisio medialis dextra Right medial division
Segmentum anterius mediale dextrum; segmentum V Anterior medial segment; segment V
Segmentum posterius mediale dextrum; segmentum VIII Posterior medial segment; segment VIII
Divisio lateralis dextra Right lateral division
Segmentum anterius laterale dextrum; segmentum VI Anterior lateral segment; segment VI
Segmentum posterius laterale dextrum; segmentum VII Posterior lateral segment; segment VII
Tunica serosa Serosa; serous coat
Tela subserosa Subserosa; subserous layer
Tunica fibrosa Fibrous capsule
Capsula fibrosa perivascularis Perivascular fibrous capsule
Lobuli hepatis Lobules of liver
Aa. interlobulares Interlobular arteries
Vv. interlobulares Interlobular veins
Vv. centrales Central veins
Ductus biliferi interlobulares Interlobular bile ducts
Ductus hepaticus communis Common hepatic duct
Ductus hepaticus dexter Right hepatic duct
R. anterior Anterior branch
R. posterior Posterior branch
Ductus hepaticus sinister Left hepatic duct
R. lateralis Lateral branch
R. medialis Medial branch
Ductus lobi caudati dexter Right duct of caudate lobe
Ductus lobi caudati sinister Left duct of caudate lobe
Fundus vesicae biliaris; fundus vesicae felleae Fundus of gallbladder
Infundibulum vesicae biliaris; infundibulum vesicae felleae Infundibulum of gallbladder
Corpus vesicae biliaris; corpus vesicae felleae Body of gallbladder
Collum vesicae biliaris; collum vesicae felleae Neck of gallbladder
Tunica serosa Serosa; serous coat
Tela subserosa Subserosa; subserous layer
Tunica muscularis Muscular layer; muscular coat
Tunica mucosa Mucosa; mucous membrane
Plicae mucosae; rugae Mucosal folds; rugae
Ductus cysticus Cystic duct
Plica spiralis Spiral fold
Ductus choledochus; ductus biliaris Bile duct
M. sphincter ductus choledochi; m. sphincter ductus biliaris Sphincter of bile duct
M. sphincter superior Superior sphincter
M. sphincter inferior Inferior sphincter
Ampulla hepatopancreatica; ampulla biliaropancreatica Hepatopancreatic ampulla; biliaropancreatic ampulla
M. sphincter ampullae Oddi Sphincter of ampulla Oddi
Glandulae ductus choledochi; glandulae ductus biliaris Glands of bile duct


  • location
    • situated
      • right quadrant
        • right hypochondrium
        • greater part of epigastrium
          • extends in to left hypochondrium
      • most of liver covered by ribs
      • nomenclature
      • hepatic
  • biliary tree
    • epithelial cells lining system are called
      • cholangiocytes
        • cuboidal in small ductules
        • columnar in large ductules
    • hepatocytes secrete bile in to
      • bile canaliculi
        • partially loop around hepatocytes
          • canals of herring
            • flow of bile is opposite of blood flow
            • posess hepatic stem cells
            • flow in to intrahepatic bile ductules
              • interlobular bile duct
                • lined by cuboidal or columnar cells
    • these ducts travel towards porta hepatis
    • interlobular ducts join
      • right and left hepatic ducts
        • common hepatic duct
          • columnar epithelial cells
          • cystic duct branches from it
            • gives bile to gall bladder
  • Features
    • liver is a large solid gland
    • reddish brown
    • soft in consistency
      • 1600 grams in males
      • 1300 grams in females
      • five surfaces
        • anterior
        • posterior
        • superior
        • inferior
          • well defined
        • right
    • inferior border
      • sharp anteriorly
        • separates anterior surface from inferior surface
        • it is marked by
          • interlobar notch
            • notch for ligamentum teres
          • cystic notch
            • for fundus of gall bladder
      • rounded laterally
        • separates right surface from inferior surface
    • LOBES
      • right lobe
        • much larger than left lobe
      • left lobe
      • divided in to two lobes by
        • falciform ligament anteriorly
        • fissure for ligamentum teres inferiorly
        • fissure for ligamentum venosum posteriorly
    • function
      • it secretes bile
    • it is covered by glissons capsule
    • histological components
      • parenchyma
        • hepatocytes
          • polyhedral
          • contain 2 to 4 nuclei
            • large and spherical
            • 2 nucleoli
          • lifespan 5 months
          • cytoplasm
            • acidophilic
          • lysosomes
            • responsible for iron storage
              • ferritin
          • villi that extend in perisinusoidal space
        • adjacent hepatocytes leave a space
          • bile canaliculi
          • cell membrane have tight junctions
      • stroma
        • continuation of the surrounding glissons capsule
        • has connective tissue
          • type 3 collagen (reticulin)
        • caspule covered by a layer of mesothelium
          • arising from peritoneum
      • space of disse
        • perisinusoidal space
          • has special cells
            • hepatic stellate cell
              • storage of vitamin A
                • released as retinol
              • cells responsible for fibrosis
                • they secrete collagen
        • located between hepatocytes and sinusoids
      • sinusoids
        • capillaries travelling between hepatocytes
    • microscopic structure
      • hepatic lobule (classic lobule)
        • traditional description
        • hexagonal plates of hepatocytes
          • stacked on top of each other
          • each plate
            • hepatocytes radiate outwards from a central vein
            • similar to the spokes of a cartwheel
            • hepatic sinusoids
              • hepatic sinusoids travel between the strips of hepatocytes
                • drain in to central vein
              • have discontinuous epithelium
                • presence of fenestra
              • contain kuppfer cells
                • oval nuclei
                • monocyte derivative
          • portal canal
            • one portal canal is located at each corner
              • 6 canals for each lobule
            • composed of
              • portal triad
                • surrounded by loose connective tissue
                • periportal space (space of mall)
                  • lymph is produced
                • 1. bile duct
                • 2.hepatic artery
                • 3.hepatic portal vein
                • drains in to central vein
      • portal lobule
        • exocrine function of the liver
          • bile secretion
        • each functional unit
          • is a triangle
            • area covered by triangle is
              • hepatic regions that secrete bile in to same bile duct
          • central axis through a portal field
          • imaginary vertices
            • closest portal canals
      • liver lobule
        • liver acinus
          • functional unit shape is
            • oval
              • short axis
                • shared border between two adjacent lobules
                • together with portal canals
              • long axis
                • imaginary line
                • between two adjacent central vein
          • each half can be divided in to 3 zones
            • zone 1
              • one closest to short axis
              • receive highest amount of oxygen
            • zone 3
              • farthest from short axis
              • closest to central vein
              • least amount of oxygen
    • vasculature
      • liver receives blood from
        • hepatic portal vein 75%
          • rich in nutrients
        • hepatic artery 25%
      • central vein drains
        • in to sublobar veins
          • hepatic veins drain in to inferior venacava
      • blood vessels travelling through portal canals
        • called as interlobular blood vessel
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  • en/3d_liver.txt
  • 2024/06/16 12:03
  • brahmantra