

    • based on number of cells
      • unicellular
      • multicellular
    • based on presence of duct
      • exocrine
        • number of branches of duct
          • simple
            • crypts of leiburkuhn
            • sweat glands
            • fundic glands of stomach
            • mucous glands of urethra
            • meibomian glands
          • compound
            • Brunner's glands
            • mammary glands
            • submandibular glands
        • shape of secretory unit
          • tubular
            • coiled
              • sweat glands ( coiled tubular)
            • Intestinal glands
            • gastric glands
          • acinar
          • alveolar
        • nature of secretory product
          • serous
            • serous acini
              • lined by pyramidal shaped simple columnar epithelium
              • rounded basal nucleus
              • Rough endoplasmic reticulum
                • basal basophilia
              • golgi complex well developed
                • apical eosinophilia
              • lumen
                • smaller than mucous acini
              • examples
          • mucous
            • mucous acini
              • lined by pyramidal shaped simple columnar epithelium
              • flat elongated basal placed nucleus
              • empty cytoplasm on H&E staining
                • mucus stored in form of mucinogen granules
                  • lost during preparation of tissue specimen
              • lumen
                • wider
              • staining
                • positive with periodic-acid-schiff staining
                • dark magenta stain
          • mixed
            • mucous acini with serous demilunes
      • endocrine
    • based on manner of secretion
      • merocrine
        • vesicles
      • apocrine
        • through apical part
      • holocrine
        • whole cell disintegrates and secretes
    • signaling
      • paracrine signaling
      • autocrine signaling
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  • en/3d_gland.txt
  • 2024/06/16 12:02
  • brahmantra