  • क्षितिज ( earth born )
  • कर्मज ( born of acts )
  • दिविजा ( sky born )
  • हीनज ( low born )
  • अण्डज ( egg born )
  • सूर्यज sun born )
  • षड्ज ( six born )
  • शिम्बिजा ( Pod born )
  • बाहुज
  • वायुज ( air borne )
  • पङ्कज ( mud borne )
  • अग्निज
  • सज्जन ( well born )
  • यमजात , सहजात , यमज ( twin born )
  • मूलज ( root born)
  • यविष्ठ , अन्तज ( last born)
  • महाज ,
  • नक्षत्रजा ( star born )
  • उग्रजाति
  • मनोयोनि
  • त्वग्ज ( skin born)
  • अश्मज , शिलात्मज ( rock born )
  • जनुषान्ध ( born blind )
  • स्वयञ्जात , स्वजा ( self borne )
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  • en/2d_origin.txt
  • 2024/07/06 07:25
  • brahmantra